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Your cool touch
It chills my skin
As does my heart
When I see your face, it's like I burst into flames
My skin turns itchy
My brow turns sweaty
I have the sudden urge to impress you
My gut clenches
And my legs turn to lead
But when you look into my eyes
Your stare like a cool breeze
It makes my heart stutter until it calms
When your hand touches mine
My mind slowly unwinds
You give me unrelenting peace when you are near
You have no idea the effect you have on me
It's amazing how one person's entity can do this to you
Make you fall so deeply in love, that you're in pain when that person isn't with you
You need them, crave them, like a hard addiction
You want to hold them, make them know that you're theirs, and they're yours alone
You feel so crazy
How one person can put you into a frenzy such as this
I never understood how people obsess over love
But now I do
And I'm so happy he feels the same
We aren't always able to be so comfortable around each other though
Discrimination still exists
Derogatory remarks are still thrown
It hurts
We're in love
Yet we can't show the world, in fear one of us will get beaten by homophobic breeders just for holding hands
Or a quick peck on the cheek
What's so wrong with love?
Can't we be ourselves in peace?
Homophobia still exists
So does phobia against any LGBTQ+ persons
It's not fair
But we'll fight
We'll fight for our right until the end
Luckily, things are still improving
Very slowly though
People are still being killed for their gender
We'll stand strong
And remember those who stood strong for us
We will prove that we are better than they are
But for now
I just want to think of a future with my boyfriend and I
Living peacefully
Not having to fear, not having a care in the world
So just remember
We're here
We're queer
And filled with existential fear
But we're also filled with more love and acceptance than you could imagine
Watch out Karen, we're taking over the platform
One day at a time

-Dark Doom, Anti Williams

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