·Left Behind· (Pt. Two)

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Part Two of the One Shot idea Faithswinson04 requested! Also, I just watched Doctor Sleep and it was absolutely phenomenal! 10/10 would recommend.

A light hung from the ceiling. The wire attached to the bulb went up into an inky blackness, so he knew that the ceiling was tall. The light that did spread around him left a yellowish hue on the smooth concrete, stained with something he hoped wasn't blood. Dark was laying on his back and wasn't able to move. His fingers felt fuzzy, but that's all. Everything else felt as if it wasn't there, like his legs weren't even his. The light that he had been able to observe slowly drifted from side to side. It wasn't very bright.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up!" Dark mentally jerked when he heard the voice. Anti walked into his line of sight. He was wearing an apron that said, "kiss me, I'm Irish". Blue surgical gloves adorned his hands. Dark tried to speak, but the side of his mouth just drifted off to the side. Anti leaned down and patted his cheek. "Oh yeah. You're feeling the gamma-aminobutyric acid and glycine that I injected into your system last night!" Dark's eyes turn concerned at the confusing words, and tried to move again and came to a success. His head moved, but he instantly regretted it. His eyes landed on a mutilated body. Dark silently screamed and jerked his head back towards Anti. "Mhm, she was a beautiful young lady. What a whore. I seduced her into bed, then tore out her heart. Literally. Human hearts are delicious." Dark's eyes went scared stiff. Anti waved his hand. "Nah, I'm not that sick. I keep the hearts of my victims on my shelf." Dark rolled his eyes and gave him a look. "Okay okay, still pretty sick. But my friend wanted some fresh organs to eat. I just keep the hearts as a reminder. I have over ten now. Maybe eleven if you don't cooperate." He ran a hand through Dark's tangled bangs. "So I suggest you listen to us. Okay? Okay! Let's get going then."

Dark watched Anti walk over to the other side of the room and clap his hands. "Oh fellas! Let's give my friend here a little show." A huge clatter almost broke Dark's ear drums. A figure scampered out of the nearest vent. The figure stood up and goes to sit on Dark's legs. Now he could feel his legs, and someone's bony ass sitting on them. He struggled to move again. "Jeff! Get off of him!" Anti commanded. Jeff scampered off of his legs and went to go stand next to Anti. Dark tried with all his might to move his legs and finally got one of his toes to move, then moved his foot from side to side. Before he could try moving anything else though, he heard a door slam in the distance and another figure walked into the light. Dark was able to glance up at Jeff and the newer addition to the crazies standing before him. Dark was instantly brought back to his rebellious youth of playing Five Nights at Freddy's and reading Creepypasta's until three in the morning. He recognized Jeff as Jeff the Killer, and the other guy being Eyeless Jack. Dark cursed to himself. Either these psychopaths were real, just some dudes cosplaying, or he was lucidly dreaming. He hoped that this was just sleep parylisis and that none of this was actually happening. With how his luck was turning out so far though and being able to vividly feel the pain as someone stomped on his hand, Dark knew that everything was much too real to be a dream. Dark looked up at the stranger looming over him, grinding the heel of their boot into the palm of his hand. He let out a silent cry of relief when Anti yelled at them to stop. Dark realized that it was BENdrowned that had breifly tortured his hand. Or waterlogged Link, as Dark preferred to call him. He walked up to Anti, whose face had a malicious smile across it.

Anti strolled over to Dark and kneeled down. "Where should we start? Slowly cutting off little peices of skin? Tear off your fingers one by one? Oh! Dislocate your jaw and pry out your teeth. I like that one." Dark cleared his throat to catch Anti's attention. "Piss off." He grumbled out. Dark was able to move his whole face now, although his tongue felt dry and thick. Anti just grinned and booped his nose. "I already did. When you left me." Dark shook his head. "I didn't leave you-" Anti cut him off. "Then what do you call leading me on, then moving the very next day, without even telling me? God, you're pathetic. Such a fucking coward. To even think that I loved you, considered you to be my best friend. I was wrong, you never cared. Seems like nobody ever does, I'm just some tiny stick that people can push around. Hell, my mother would get drunk off her ass and beat me senseless when I did nothing wrong. My dad didn't care, he was never around." Dark was shocked. He never knew that Anti was abused. Whenever he came to school with a bruise, he just said that he fell or something. Now Dark felt even worse. He didn't even investigate into it more, to see if Anti was telling the truth or not. He wasn't there for his best friend, he realized, they started to drift in high school. He even saw someone in the hallway making fun of Anti, but was too caught up with his girlfriend at the time to even care to stop them.

"I wonder what I ever saw in you Dark. You used to be gold. Something happened though, you're not who you used to be." Anti scoffed and stood up, kicking Dark harshly in the side. Dark groaned and rolled over. "Hmm, seeing that you can move now..." Anti lifted him up into his arms with a strength Dark never thought he could posses. "Let's move you to the table." Anti carried him over to a small metal table and laid Dark over it. He quickly tried to get up, but Jeff slammed him back down. Anti put leather straps over his chest and limbs. Dark felt paralyzed all over again. Anti chuckled and ran a cold finger down the middle of Dark's chest. "Your body won't even be recognizable after this." Dark struggled some more to get out the restraints. "Anti, c'mon! That was years ago, why can't we just start over?" He tried to implore. Anti 'tsked' and grabbed a scalpel from a nearby tray. "I'm not going to forgive you that easily. Not until you shed some blood at least." Dark cried out in pain when Anti dragged the small knife across his eye, leaving a long streak of oozing crimson from his eyebrow to the corner of his mouth. The scalpel had sliced right into his eyeball, letting a clear substance mix in with the blood. "Ah! Motherfucker! FUCK!" Dark screamed. Anti giggled and slammed a hand over Dark's mouth, muffling his pleas of help. "Shhhh baby, don't wanna wake up the dogs." Dark breathed rapidly. He wouldn't have doubted that Anti had a couple of hell hounds.

Eyeless Jack came over with a small vile of yellow liquid. "Ah yes! The acid." Anti plucked it from his comrades hands and waved it menacingly over Dark's body. "A simple mixture I made a few years back. I force people to drink it. It burns the inside of your body, but not too badly that it destroys your insides completely. Just causes immense pain. It's like a hard liquor with a lot more kick that lasts for hours longer." He uncorked the vile and put it to Dark's lips. "Drink it." He ordered. Dark shook his head. Anti growled and tried to open Dark's mouth with his hand that was holding the scalpel. Dark bit his hand. Anti yelped and dropped the vile onto the floor. It shattered loudly. Dark grabbed the scalpel in between his teeth and headbutted Anti so hard that he fell backwards. He groaned loudly from the pain it caused and sawed at the leather straps with the scalpel. BENdrowned tried to stop him, but slipped on the acid and fell on his ass.

Dark cut through the first strap with the scalpel between his teeth. Damn, that scalpel was sharp. He quickly undid the one across his legs and stood up just as Anti did. Jeff and Eyeless Jack were backing him. Dark threateningly pointed the small knife at them. "You'll let me go, or else I'll go through you myself." Anti scowled. "You really think it's that simple?" Dark hesitated before he nodded. Then the room grew so silent that they could hear the drop of blood hit the floor as it dripped from Dark's face. Anti slowly peeled the surgical gloves from his hands and threw them to the floor. A few pops echoed throughout the room as he cracked his neck. Anti walked towards Dark, discarding his apron along the way. Now the two stood face to face. "Fellas? Why don't you let us be. A simple argument between friends that I would like to settle alone." Ben and the others slowly walked out of the room. Dark lowered his arm until it hung loosely at his side. He dropped the scalpel. "I can't do this." Dark said. His voice quivered. "I'm so sorry, so incredibly sorry for how much of an asshole I've been to you. We've been friends for as long as I can remember, and I was just a total dickwad the whole time. Please don't do this." Dark took a step forward and took one of Anti's hands in his own. Anti reached out to cup Dark's face and wipe some blood away with his hand. "Idiot." Anti plunged his thumb into Dark's injured eye, pulling out the mutilated eye with it. Dark crippled to the floor with a blood curdling scream. The pain was so intense that his face paled and he slumped to the floor, knocked out cold.

Anti flicked the hunk of what used to be an eye off of his thumb and took hold of Dark's leg. He dragged him into a separate room.

To Be Continued...

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