·They Call It Puppy Love·

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This is based off of a rp I did, so imma smack ya with some more egos in this one. Also, this is a shorter chapter. Sorry!

Present Day
Characters: Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, Jackie-Boy Man, Jameson Jackson

The two demons sat on the couch, watching a cheesy rom-com called The Kissing Booth. Anti was cuddled up into Dark's side comfortably. That was until a loud noise came from outside the front door. Anti jumped and sat up. "What the hell was that?" Dark murmured.

The other demon shrugged and went to the door to check it out. The door suddenly opened with Jameson carrying a dog in his arms.

Dark stood up a little alarmed that Jameson had brought a random dog into the house.

Anti asked James where he had gotten it. The dapper man responded in sign language, since the poor lad was mute. "I was out on the porch for a smoke, when I heard a strange sound. I looked around only to see this dog digging through our trash!" Anti nodded thoughtfully, then looked up at Dark.

Dark shook his head. "No babe... Please don't give me that look." Anti trudged over to his boyfriend. "Pleeease! Look at the doggo, he's starving! Can't we keep him? At least until he's in better shape?" Dark sighed in defeat, not being able to resist the brunettes puppy dog eyes. "Fine... It's alright with me if it's alright with Jackie, and Mark, Seàn, Jameson-" Anti quickly cut him off. "Yeah yeah, I get it."

The dog hopped from Jameson's arms and pranced around Anti happily. Anti smiled and kneeled down to pet him. "I'll call ya Cooper, you like that name boy?"

Dark shook his head with a smirk and sat next to the two dorks. Cooper sniffed at Dark's hand before letting him pet his head.

Sounds of footsteps pounded across the roof. Then suddenly a body fell out onto the lawn. The body quickly hopped up and brushed themselves off. Jackie ran into the house, his red spandix super hero suit having a few grass stains on it.

"What is this I see? A wild beast attacking my brother and his lover? I shall not stand by and just watch!" Jackie ran over and tackled Anti to the ground. "I shall save you!" Anti shoved Jackie off of him. "Stop being so dramtic you ass, it's just a dog!"

Jackie sighed and pushed down his hood. "Nothing interesting ever happens around here." He pouted.

Anti rolled his eyes so hard that Dark was sure he'd roll them out of his head. The brown haired demon just went back to petting Cooper.

Jackie started petting the adorable doggie also. Cooper was probably in Heaven, loving the attention he was getting. Jameson couldn't resist and and joined in on playing with the pup.

Dark smiled fondly at his boyfriend. He loved seeing him so happy.

Dark scooted over to Anti and wrapped his arms around his waist, place a loving kiss on his shoulder.

Anti giggled and nudged the darker haired demon with his elbow. Dark started to hum a small tune, and Anti laid his head on his shoulder. He loved it when Dark would hum, it always relaxed him. Dark kissed his boyfriends mess of hair and rocked back and forth slightly.

Jackie-Boy scoffed at their mushyness and went off to the kitched to grab something to eat. Jameson led Cooper back outside, probably to play catch. Anti placed a tender kiss on Dark's lips and smirked slightly. "Wanna go upstairs, handsome?" Dark growled playfully and stood up.

He quickly picked Anti up and swung him over his shoulder. The brunette yelled, but allowed Dark to carry him to their bedroom.

Let's just say nobody else in the household was able to get a good night's sleep.

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