·McDonald's Sparks Love·

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A pretty short one here, sorry!

The restaurant was empty and only the buzz of the lights and the dishwasher running filled the void of silence. A young man stood at the register about to fall over from the need to sleep. One of other employees was sick, so Anti had to take the night shift. Running a hand through his hair, Anti went over to the computer to turn on some music.

A familiar song started to play, waking him up a little bit. He started to shuffle his feet a little to the beat until he was fully dancing. Anti didn't even hear the door open until the customer awkwardly cleared their throat. Anti froze and quickly walked up to the counter. "Sweet dance moves, man." The customer said. Anti looked up to see a crooked smile on the face of another guy. He smiled and looked down at the cash register. "Eh, I get pretty bored here at night. Gotta do something." He nervously chuckled.

The man got his order and went over to a booth to sit. Anti leaned against the counter, and for some reason he wanted to strike a conversation with the stranger. The man gave off a positve vibe, as silly as that sounded.

So with the weight of boredom and needing to talk to someone, Anti walked over to the booth. "Need anything else, sir?" His voice was a little timid. McDonald's workers usually didn't walk around to see if the customers needed anything else, even though it was good etiquette. The man shook his head with a smile. "Nope, I'm good." Then he held out his hand. Anti took it hesitantly. "I'm Dark by the way..." He glanced up at Anti's nametag. "Anti, didn't think I would meet someone today with a name as unique as mine." Dark chuckled.

A small smile formed on Anti's lips as they talked a while longer. Anti was sitting down across from Dark soon enough as they talked like they were old friends, artery-clogging hamburgers and fries be damned. They were laughing until their stomachs hurt. Dark realized that he had stayed a lot later than he intended and wrote something quickly on his receipt. He handed it off to Anti before running out the door with an apology.

Anti looked down at the receipt to see in scrawled handwriting, a phone number with Dark's name and a smiley face. He looked up to see Dark say the words "call me" from behind the window before running down the side walk. Anti grinned to himself and put the paper in his pocket.

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