A short story

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There he sat, perched atop one of the blue lunch tables like he owned the dang cafeteria. His girlfriend sat one one of the table benches laughing at something he had said. They made a cute couple and anyone could see they made each other happy and I was sorry to interrupt that.

"Um, excuse me?" I interjected nervously trying to direct my conversation towards the boy rather than the girl. She seemed to notice that and she got up with a look of pity in her eyes. The boy slid down to the bench of the table and looked at me with sorrow.

"Hey, so, I don't know if you know me, I-"

"I know who you are, jay. I didn't knew they were letting you out of the hospital so soon." he responded, his blue eyes filled with what looked like regret.

"They thought- thought school might help trigger my memories. Wait, hey- only my mom calls me jay. Why- look," I stuttered through my words. I felt nervous. "look. ok. So, I hit my head pretty hard in a car accident a couple weeks ago and things still haven't come back to me completely but one name keeps running through my head and it's yours." He ran his fingers through his hair and patted the bench next to him. I sat down and continued talking shakily.

"I guess you must have meant something special to me but I can't remember what and since you know me by my nickname, it looks like you know more about me than I do right now."

He gave a forlorn smile and nodded silently. "How's about I tell you a few stories? Maybe they'll help jog your memory, huh?"

"That sounds good" I said, close to tears though he had only spoken two sentences. Everything seemed so familiar yet so far off that I couldn't fathom what could make this scene right. He grabbed my hand and moved his thumb back and forth over the mood ring on my pinky. I kept it on when I woke up in the hospital even though I couldn't remember where it came from. He smiled at it as if remembering an old friend. My hand felt wrong in his, I mean, he had a girlfriend for goodness sake, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I had held it many times before.

"A few years ago, back when your hair was long and you and I were still about the same height..." He began slowly. I knew then that I would soon remember all that I had forgotten.

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