A kiss

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So back when I was in like 6th or 7th grade there was this girl and one of her relatives was a teacher at the school. That not really relevant here, but most of my siblings(myself included) had him as a teacher so that just shows that he knew me well. So anyway, in like 6th grade, this girl whose relative worked at the school, lets call her K for this story.

So K was quite popular and she was on the track team and she was kinda mean sometimes but she was overall a decent human. One day us and like half the class are talking and she is talking about stage kisses. When you put your thumbs over someone's lips when you kiss them so you don't actually have to touch their lips or something... I don't remember too well. But she was trying to explain what a stage kiss and me thinking I'm about to be the ultimate cool kid decides to back her up. I'm sitting there like "oh yeah, I know what you're talking about that's a real thing guys." So she's like heck yeah someone believes me and while she's trying to explain it she just says I can demonstrate it...and fucking grabs my face and stage kisses me. I have no idea what I'm doing because 1) I was lying about what I knew and 2)I'm was shock because someone straight up grabbed my face. her lips touched my lips because her thumbs weren't all the way over my lips and that was incredibly awkward because her and I never really knew each other well and like although it wasn't a real kiss it was still one of those What the fuck just happened to me type of moments

I could not look at my teacher(her uncle) without thinking "I'm so sorry I accidentally kissed your niece"

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