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The blue and red colors from the flashing police and ambulance lights created a purple hue that reflected in the puddles from the fire trucks. Amy sat on the back of the ambulance staring at the ground and thinking about the events of the past few days. She curled in on herself, bringing her knees up to her chest and grabbing her ears trying to block out the memory of the one that had held her and four other girls in captivity for the past week. 

"Amy," a voice asked from the side of the ambulance.

Amy looked up to see her best friend Diana. She was a mess with tear tracks down her cheeks, her clothes rumpled, and her shoes on the wrong feet. Amy tried to give her a smile but she couldn't seem to meet her eyes, instead she looked down and continued to watch the water racing away to the gutter.

"Amy," Diana tried again. 

This time Amy looked up quickly to give a hello but looked away again. 

"May I sit with you," Diana asked, knowing Amy's personal boundaries.

Amy shook her head no but stared at Diana trying to tell her that she wants her to stay. Diana understood Amy's body language as they had been friends for years and she was used to Amy's unnatural way of communicating. After a long gap of silence Amy finally spoke.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. Diana's face changed to one of concern.

"No, no. No, there's nothing for you to be sorry for. What are you sorry about?" Diana asked frantically.

"I'm sorry you didn't know where I was," 

"Ames, you were kidnapped. It's not your fault I didn't know. There's no way I could've known and there's no way you could've let me know. Ok?" She said carefully. Amy nodded in response but Diana could see that she didn't believe her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get my class work done" Amy said, looking down at Diana's shoes. Diana raised an eyebrow. She could tell Amy was building up to something she just wasn't sure what. 

"May I give you a hug?" Amy said after a moment. 

"You may"

Amy jumped up burrowing herself into Diana, and wrapping her arms around Diana's midsection under her jacket, before finally laying her head on her chest. Amy started to cry silently.

"I'm sorry I told you I loved you" Amy said in between silent gasps of breath. Diana wrapped her arms around Amy and pulled her jacket around her too. 

"I'm sorry I didn't say it back" Diana said as she lay her head on Amy's and rocked them quietly back and forth. The police sirens were now a dull roar among the commotion in the background as the man responsible for the crimes against the girls was put into the car. 

"You know you'll have to fill out some questions for the police, right?" Diana asked. She knew that Amy knew but wanted to be sure she was ok with it. By this time Amy had stopped crying and was in deep thought. 

"I know," she said sadly. "You love me back?" Amy asked with hesitation.

"I have for a long time. I just was always afraid to tell you"

Amy smiled as Diana continued to rock them back and forth amidst the chaos. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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