Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

"I understand but I am not in the mood. My head hurts and I can barely see straight. I have to strain my eyes to keep myself awake. Can I take a break? I need a nap or something. This whole situation is draining me out." I placed my head on the table nearly getting my hair caught up in the now cold plate of food Danny had served me an hour ago.

Danny was the butler who held a secret almost everyone knew of already. He never told me nor did he tell anyone about his little secret but it was pretty obvious. By now even Senior knew about him. That's right people, Danny was gay but he was one of those homosexuals who didn't flaunt it. He was more confidential about it but it was as noticeable as noticeable gets. No one questioned it though. Around here he was just happy go lucky Danny the butler.

I was seated at the dinner table along with Carden and Alex. Alex was trying to get me to remove whatever shield I apparently was holding onto because he believed that's what was stopping me from unleashing and getting intact with my inner powers. Carden on the other hand kept his hands crossed and stared straight at me with his eyes a darkened color. It got to a point where I was starving but Alex ruined my appetite by casually sipping on a glass of wine that was laced with what he described as 'fresh human artery blood'. Carden was naturally pissed because I wouldn't cooperate. First he told me I didn't need to eat and that if I didn't get the damn feather to fly he'd kill me. I of course shrugged off his threat until he grabbed Senior by the neck and nearly bite into him like a freaking chew toy.

I ended up slamming him into the wall without even making physical contact. The outline of his body is now imprinted on a wall on the left side of my temporary room. Danny said he'll call the contractor to fix it up. Alex thinks that I responded that way because either my powers run off of negative vibes such as when I'm angry or feel as though I or someone I love is in danger or that something is blocking my bloodline cutting me off from magic unless I truly need it which is making it harder on me because I don't know how the hell I feel or why I am acting the way I am.

"No breaks. You're lucky I'm giving you time to even eat which by the way shall I add that you aren't using the time very wisely. Eat the food and get the hell up so we can figure out how to work you," Carden sneered scratching his head in an agitated manner. My face expression jumbled. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

"What was that supposed to mean?" I voiced my inner thought. I lifted my head to meet his eyes and struggled to keep my middle finger well hidden.

"It means," he muttered dropping his hands on the table and getting up from his seat standing straight up. "You're broken. We have to fix you and we're running out of time because you keep playing around. The faster you get things done, the faster you're out of here."

His look was cold, expressionless. He looked as though he didn't care. But then again when did he ever?

"I am not some robotic toy that will just obey you're pathetic commands. I couldn't do it yesterday and I can't do it today. Who knows? Maybe I wasn't meant to do anything! Maybe I won't do anything. Maybe I'll just watch us all die. Sometimes life isn't all about pleasing somebody. Sometimes you just got to satisfy yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I think it's about time I throw in the towel. It's been nice knowing you boys," with that I took my lead, pushing back the chair with some much force that it ended up falling backwards slamming against the ground. Yet I paid it no mind as I walked off and stalked down the hall out the door and through the forest.

Listening to the shouts of my name from both the guys didn't faze me or my current way of thinking because at that exact moment all I cared about was sleep. I was tired of trying to play superhero. Who was I kidding? I'm not Batman. I can't save the world with some superpower I can't even control. This was ridiculous and completely out of my wellbeing. Obviously in this situation I was useless so why even bother trying to make me function properly. I mean here I am arguing with my mind because I can't even think straight. This had to be the second time I decided to quit. That's it. No more chances.

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