Chapter One

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Chapter One

They don’t exist. They can’t exist. He wasn’t real. They aren’t real. He was just a cannibal. One that just so happened to have sharp pearly white fangs and enjoyed sucking the blood of some poor innocent lady.

Holy crap . . .

Holy crap . . .

. . .

Holy crap . . .

Ah man . . . damn it . . . I’m going to die. He’s going to find me. They always do. No, wait! Vampires can’t enter someone’s house without being invited in right? Okay. Alright then . . . I just may live through this.

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans and tried to breathe deeply. My breath was shorten because I was running life my life depended on it which was true which it did.

“Holy crap . . .” I muttered out loud.

My hair was in knots around my face. Sweat dripped down my forehead making me uncomfortable. I was nervous and petrified. I was potentially going to die tonight. Standing in the middle of my old room, which is the new guest room, I paced back and forth. This was insane. My eyes were deceiving me. It was all some sick twisted hallucination. It was nothing but a weird scary hallucination.

“No, it wasn’t. It was a very real moment in my life. It was real.”

Oh man, I-I need to call the cops. There’s a guy out there sucking people dry of their blood. No. I don’t have the balls. He can probably trace down my call and locate my house and come to kill-

“Sweetheart,” my mom said from the other side of the doorway.

“Come in,” I told her staring out the window wide eyed.

“You have a-SAMMY! Why on earth are you not dressed yet? I told you we are leaving in 15 minutes. Look at you. You’re sweating like a hog. You need to shower and get changed. Richard is waiting downstairs. Hurry up,” my mom demanded. “Oh, and this gentleman named Carden is here to see you.”

I turned to face her. Looking at the doorway was the man. Everything about him was the same. The only difference was his outfit; an all-black suit minus the blood. My jaw dropped an inch and I had to rub my eyes and pinch my arm to make sure I was seeing clearly.

Holy crap . . .

“Oh,” was the only pathetic thing that came out my mouth as the guy/cannibal/supposed vampire, Carden, came strolling into the room with a smirk on his lips.

A shiver ran down my spine and I was scared shitless. She invited him inside. This is my death sentence put in motion.

“Okay. I’ll be downstairs waiting. Hurry up and get ready,” my mom said and she smiled at Carden before taking her leave closing the door behind her.

I’m screwed . . . damn it!

“Hello,” he said in such a casual tone I felt like bursting into tears.

In all honesty, this guy wasn’t that bad looking. In fact he was very attractive. The downside was the fact that he was a blood sucking killer who drained a body right before my eyes in the parking lot of Walgreens. It was a very classy move.

He took small steps towards me stopping a few feet away from my being. “So, Sammy’s your name?”

I nodded taking a step back. I couldn’t find it in me to tell him that was my nickname. He didn’t need to know that.

“Well then, Sammy, tell me why am I here. You do know why I’m here right?” he asked stepping a little bit closer to my being.

I nodded again. I had the sudden urge to urinate.

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