Chapter 1 - 🌺

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In exactly two days, it will be Jessica and Brian's wedding day. Jessica has been my best friend since the third grade and since then, I have never liked her fiancé, Brian.

We met during lunch when I was passing by her table and I caught Brian pouring glue into her milk while she was turned away talking to some kid that was sitting next to her. After he got up to leave, I confronted him and told him to throw her milk away and give her a new one.

He obviously didn't listen and decided to walk away. I didn't like his choice so me being me, I stuck my leg out and tripped him, gaining the attention of quite a few students and lunch ladies.

When I told him again to give her a new milk, all he did was stand up and glare at me. Jessica was obviously confused, so when she asked why I was telling him to give her a different milk, I told her the truth about what he did to hers.

She looked shocked at first but then stood up, grabbed her milk that had glue in it and walked up to Brian before pouring it all over his head.

The three of us ended up getting in trouble and after Jessica's mom found out that I stood up for her, she would always invite us over to their house or they would come over to ours. So basically after that day in the lunch room, we became best friends while our moms became close friends too.

After some years passed, all three of us started going to the same middle school and high school together. Since the milk incident, Brian always tried to get back at Jessica. He would try getting back at me also, but not so much as he tried with her.

I have no idea what his problem was with her back then but when prom came around, he did this huge gesture in front of the whole school and asked her to be his date. She of course said no right away, which was super embarrassing for him and we thought that he was going to get back at her for rejecting him but instead, he kept trying different ways to get her to say yes and about two weeks later, she finally caved in.

I was totally against it because of all the stuff that he did to her and I felt like he only asked her to prom so that he could pull another stunt and embarrass her there. Instead, he surprised everyone when he got up on stage and asked her to be his girlfriend. That was the day they started dating and in our last year of college, he proposed to her in front of everyone and she said yes.

They moved in together after that and have been engaged for about a year now. We're both twenty-four years old but I'm older than Jessica by three months. When Brian proposed to Jessica, I had to accept the fact that they were both going to be together so I tolerate him even though we both dislike each other very much.

Tonight, Jessica and I are going out because she said that she wanted to get drunk one last time before her wedding day. She didn't want to show up at her wedding with a hangover.

I picked out a black sequin mini dress with three and a half inch high heels and I left my wavy hair down. I quickly grab my phone and my clutch before exiting my apartment and making my way to Jessica and Brian's place.

When I get there, I text Jessica that I'm outside and five seconds later her front door flies open, revealing her halfway dressed. I laugh to myself, get out of my car and walk up the porch steps to enter her home.

"How are you still not ready yet?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

She looks down and blushes before saying, "I'm sorry. Brian and I were busy having s-"

"Okay, okay!" I cut her off, holding up my hands to get her to stop talking. "I do not need to know all of the details."

She laughs and shrugs her shoulders, "You asked, so I was going to tell you."

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