Chapter 6

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Sometimes Rosanna, you need to shut the hell up.
This is what I say as I'm mad at myself for saying what I said to Harris.

Now here he is in front of me looking at me as though I am a vermin for calling him a bitch. Which he is don't get me wrong.

But now how do I explain myself to him.

"You called me a bitch ". Harris says.

I look at him bewildered.

"Yes, bitch mean friend".

"What". He looks at me like I'm mocking him.

Which I am.

"Yes. Uh Kim say it on T.V.".

"Kim". He says confused.

"Yes, the sec.... kard..kardash... my friend I cannot remember, sorry I mean husband".

"You mean kardashians". He says now understanding.

"Yes". I say excitedly.

"Oh so you heard the kardashians saying it and thought it was something nice, ok well makes sense, I guess". He just looks at me and nods his head and walks away.

Stupid, really. The IQ of a baby. Men really are easily manipulated and dumb. God, please give me patience.

Now my plan begins.

The next morning I have breakfast ready. I cooked some traditional breakfast that would be served at my house some eggs with tomatoes and garnishes cooked together.

Soon Harris comes down. He looks bewildered.

"Wow, this smells like home." He comments.

Then he sits on the table. And the obedient wife I am I come and serve him food with bread. He looks shocked that I served him.

"Thank you". He says as he looks at me.

He eats the food. From the first bite his face changes. And he takes more bites. Eagerly eating more. He just leans back and enjoys the food. After he finished he looks at me and smiles genuinely.

My heart skipped a beat.


"Thank you so much, that was delicious. I haven't had food like that in a minute. My mom used to make food for me like that. But then she got busy and forgot she had a son. But this just refreshes so many goof memories.

He just blurts out all of this. And I don't know why I listen. Maybe it's because I feel bad for him. He's a lonely guy. Looking for women to fill in his loneliness and thinking that maybe if he acts rude and heartless no one can hurt him. And if he acted like he didn't care which is a act really people would want his attention.

People who acted like that looked pathetic to me. But I do like the fact he's talking. He seems more like able.

He stops talking. And looks at me.

He realizes he was talking way too much so he quickly goes back to his act.

"Anyway, fugly." I don't know who said you could sit next to me." He says looking at me disgusted.

There it is. The asshole came out.

"Sorry, bitch ". I said to him and moved a seat over.

He looks really annoyed I called him a bitch. But he keeps quiet because he thinks I am complimenting him.

Loser. This is hilarious.

"Oh and by the way a friend of mine should be coming any moment."


Suddenly the door rings.

I go to open it. As I open the door.

I realize I might just be lesbian.

When I opened the door a beautiful women with long raven hair and a great nose was there.

God I don't want to admit this but my husband has great taste in women.

I give her a smile thinking she might be like Lucy.

I was wrong.

"Excuse me." She said with a sneer.

She walked into the house and went straight to my husband and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

Great here we go.

"Hey baby". She says so seductive.

Vomit comes up my throat.

And Harris of course flirts back. And kisses her back.

But then he stops to look at me and stops.

Oh so he has some shame.

He clears his throat and takes her hand and leaves the house.

Goodness. I hate people.


Hey everyone. Hope y'all are safe and sound with this coronavirus. Because I am losing my mind. I want to leave my house but can't. Anyway please please stay home and I'll b updating more.

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