Chapter Part 8

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Maybe I was being mean and irrational. After all, I was wearing this whole costume and I'm the one acting like I didn't know English. But, the most ironic part of this whole marriage is the fact that I haven't been able to get the heck out of this house and back to work.

Not, saying that it's my husband's fault. But, goddam it, if he didn't marry me I would be at work right now and not bored out o my mind in this house.

Harris was at work, he was probably enjoying working too.


No, I cannot be mad at him. He's just working, even though he has so much money and so much property, and he's not stacked at home like me. I shouldn't be mad at him.

But dammit, I was a woman with a master's degree. I had a good privileged job, and I was very educated and good at what I did. I worked with lawyers and old white men who had money. I was making a shit ton of money too. Before this marriage.

Now, when I go back to work what am I supposed to tell my husband? He's going to get suspicious if I tell him I'm out every single day.

"Rosanne?" I hear from the entry of my household.

"Yes," I reply without my accent. Shit.

I mean "Harris, you do the coming." That sounded a little perverted.

Harris comes into the main living room, where I was thank god in my costume. Even not great looking my charm was rubbing everywhere.

"Hello," I said with a smile and deeply with an accent. Harris gave me a forced sheepish smile.

"So, how was your day?" I acted like I had no idea what he was saying. Then my face turned into a face of understanding, like what he said just clicked onto my head.

"Good, my friend." Harris nodded his head. Then looking back at me, well more back at the fake unibrow I had.

"Is there any hobby you'd like to do? Or pursue? Maybe we can clean you up a bit, and then we can find you something important to do?"

Wait, he's offering me an opportunity to leave this house. I don't even think he cares what I do maybe he just doesn't want me cooped up in this house. Just like the way I hate it.

"Ehh, yes. My mother she tell me, she finds me a job." I move my hand in a circular motion. As in I was thinking of the right words to tell him. I had a thoughtful look on my face.

"She say, it's maybe ten minutes away from here." Harris raises an eyebrow up suspiciously.

"Your mother found you a job...Somewhere close to here? What job?"

"Oh, job with garden. I help do garden."

"A farmer?" He suggests.

"Yes, of course. That one, my friend." His face turns into understanding.

"Good, good. That's good for you Roseanne. I'm happy your mom found you a job. This is really ironic since she probably grew up back home with you guys, back in the home country. So, it's really fascinating how she found a job for you. So when do you start?"

"In three days."

"Oh," Harris raises his brows. "You took the job really fast. How will you get there? Maybe I can have someone drive you?"

"No, please. I know driving. Back home. They do the teaching. I do tests when I come here. I get the license."

"Really?" Harris looked even more shocked than before. Like he wasn't believing his ears. 

"I guess that makes sense since even people who don't speak a word of English have their license here."

"Yes." That is all I replied.

"What time do you start?" This guy is asking me a lot of questions if I'm being honest.


"Oh, okay. I leave for work at 8, so you'll have the extra time to get ready." He says loudly. 

Thank god, my job was accommodating in the fact that I started work at 10 and ended at 4. Harris comes home at 5. Giving me enough time to get into my costume. This is delightful.

"Well, then." He nods his head while I also nod my head. Both of us were awkward.

"What did you make today, ugly betty?" I was about to turn around and really curse him out for calling me ugly betty. Until I realized I was supposed to not know what that meant and what the meaning of that word was.


"I make good food. Check the kitchen."

Harris leaves to go upstairs to the kitchen before coming down and eating the delicious food I made. Not to blow my own horn. But I was an exceptional cook. Growing up in my ethnic household, at a young age my mom taught me how to sew, cook, and clean. Homegirl was really tryna prepare me for this role.

"By the way Roseanne. Luna is coming back tonight." If my stare could kill someone. He and that bitch would be fired up right now. After what she said he had the audacity to let her back in.

I could tell he was also ashamed because of how he was avoiding my eyesight.

"Ok." That was all I replied.

Harris when he finally looked at me, was probably able to tell I was upset. If you don't like it then I can go and meet her. She doesn't have to come here."

"Please," I said almost urgently. Not saying much but he understood.

"Okay." I was happy now. At least he had that much decency. To not bring his mistress home.

For the rest of the night, I couldn't help but be excited about going back to work.

If only it was that easy.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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