chapter two.

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jungkook pov

i was getting all my stuff together and one of my bags knocked over my gatorade. of course. the red one.

i yelled out the doorway, "can someone bring me towels? i spilled my drink! thank you"

"on it" someone responded

"why did u pull a namjoon" jimin look at me and laughed then walked out to the tour bus.

"i just want to get to the hotel. i'm tired." i spoke to myself.

i heard a faint knock on my door.

"i was told there was a spill is anyone in there" it was a young woman's voice

"yes" i said in a deep voice. i quickly searched for my sunglasses, black mask, and bucket hat to disguise myself. i was taught that even if it's staff to never trust anyone.

"come in" i tried to perfect my deep voice.

3rd person pov

you prepare yourself for it to be one of the members and open the door.

just your luck. it's jungkook. it was easy to see under the mask, glasses, and hat.

"hello. your voice is deeper than i thought" i laughed.

"oh", he cleared his throat, "hi sorry i was- never mind"

he pulled his mask down and took off his sunglasses and went to shake your hand.

his eyes roamed your face. he thought you were absolutely gorgeous. your eyelashes were very long... that was always something he liked in a girl.

"so where's the spill?" you look around at see a part of white couch turned red. you smile at him. "never mind"

he chuckled, "thank you for coming to clean i bet you're so tired. i'm jungkook"

"im y/n and trust me i bet ur way more tired than i am" you get to cleaning the couch, " don't worry you can head out, you guys were amazing by the way"

"no i'll wait it's okay." jungkook sat in one of the chairs, "and thank you".

"you know my sister loves you guys. i never understood the hype of y'all but this was honestly the best concert i've ever seen." you spray the couch, "i stand corrected"

he laughed, "thank you for giving us a chance and watching us with an open mind"

he soon felt bad that he was watching her clean. it felt wrong. "since i'm the one that spilled it should i help y-"

"mr. jungkook it's fine"

"mr?? how old are you"


"im literally 22 please don't call me mr again"

" well jungkook it's not like i'll be talking to you again after this" you laughed.


your heart skipped a beat, did he just say..

you keep your composure and nervous laugh while you finish cleaning the couch "did it spill on anything else?"

"nope just the couch a-and me"

you looked up from the couch as you dried your hands.

"what? don't tell me i have to dry you off too"

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