Chapter 38 Get Set For Some Ass kicking

Start from the beginning

He had even mentioned the meter that would explain which all flights were in air and how much was the air space between two flights"

"This boy is genius" Cynthia was impressed "but how is it related to terrorism?"

We'll have to find that out" John said "now get flight tickets to Wiesley's place, along with his address and complete details about him" John barked orders

"And the jerk is back" Cynthia mumbled

"What?" John asked even though he'd heard clearly enough "on it Boss" Cynthia said with a salute

"That's better" John smiled earning a glare from Cynthia.


Cynthia had to cover her mouth and nose because of the foul smell emanating from Wiesley's house.

She almost slipped and shrieked when she found that the wet floor because of which she slipped was not water but blood of an old lady.

John bent to check and frowned with a thumbs down.

They walked ahead and found another man lying on the floor, he was dead too.

John entered further but there was no one, the house was completely empty.

He asked his agents to get the cops and get the investigation down.

Disappointed that the address was of no help and worried that the poor shy yet intelligent boy was missing or rather dead.

Cynthia had brought the details that Wiesley hadn't attended his school since a week neither did he mail them his scheduled assignments which was unusual.

John was impressed at the speed at which Cynthia had collected information.

They also mentioned that he was an A grade boy very intelligent and efficient but his grades were suffering lately after his return from the students seminar.

The school tried to reach both his parents but their phones were not reachable.

John was about to leave with Cynthia but he turned around.

Cynthia who was traumatized by the blood on the floor waited for john outside

John entered the small room which he was sure was Wiesley's as it had a study table and few pictures on the wall, the room was a tad bit messy but it weren't clothes but books scattered around.

John stepped insde and in a flow pulled the curtain aside only to be hit by bright sunlight and nothing else.

He shrugged and was about to leave the room when he found the laundry basket.

It was calling out to him.

He walked towards it

"No please don't hurt me, water.. water, don't kill.. water water.."

"Wiesley" John recognized immediately and helped the boy who was couched inside the laundry basket lifting him up but the boy was badly beaten, smashed and pale.

It had been days he'd had anything.

Actually it looked like he could die any moment.

John in a swift motion lifted him bridal style and took him to the van they were traveling in.

"Hospital hurry" he shouted.

John had made sure that the frail boy was under close observation

"They killed my mom and dad" Wiesley cried as he narrated "I swear I was not giving them the details but they already had the initial version, I had uploaded long ago when I started designing it, I thought it will help everyone but I did not know it would be used in this way." he cried harder

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