Kairi introduced her to his date. A beautiful blonde girl named Ellie. The pair were a perfect match, both being the same height.
Erin went with Alvaro, Alejandro and Amina and Roshaun with a girl from Islas soccer team, named Olivia.

They all went to get their drinks as a pair stepped into the gym, making everyone stop in their tracks.

Mattia and Jenna.

"Why is he with her?" Kairi asked, maybe a little too loud. Isla would answer him, but she stopped herself, as she knew it probably wouldn't be the best idea when Patrick stood next to her.

The tall Italian and the slightly shorter American walked up to the rest of the friend group.
"Hi friends, long time no see huh?" Jenna said, her voice more sugary than ever.

Everyone looked around, trying to get a glimpse of each other's reactions, which turned out to make an awkward long moment of silence.

"I wouldn't call you a friend" Amina spat brutally honest, saying what everyone thought, but no one dared to say. Expect her of course.
Isla couldn't help but laugh, earning a glare from Jenna.

The group joined most of the others students dancing, as the volume got higher and higher.
Soon a slight scent of sweat mixed with alcohol were spread across the whole gym, but none of the young teens cared.

A few hours had passed when Mattia pulled Isla to the hallway. "What's up?" Isla slurred, leaning against a locker to keep her balance.

Mattia smirked like he had earlier, before pulling the girl towards him. He quickly grabbed her hips before slamming his lips against hers.
They both tasted like a mix of the punch served in the gym and a strong vodka.

"Babe where'd you g-" Patrick walked around the corner, almost stumbling into the two teenagers making out.

Isla quickly pulled away, realising what she had done. She looked at Mattia but quickly her gaze were on a very angry Patrick.
He fumbled a bit around with his words before deciding to say a simply, yet powerful "fuck you"

He turned around on his heels, and Isla would have followed him if it weren't for Mattia grabbing her wrist.
"Let go of me" She whispered through gritted teeth, but Mattia didn't.
Instead he kept her in his grip.

After a few moments Isla finally catched on.
"You knew he were coming, didn't you?" Her cheeks reddened by the anger filling her body.
"That's why you did it! You filthy bastard" Isla were yelling now, using two of her finest British words.

Mattia shook his head with a grin, he still hadn't let go of Islas wrist.
Music were heard banging from the gym as the door opened and out stumbled they boys, Erin and Amina.

"What happened?" Alejandros dared to ask, earning a glare from Isla.

Mattia were the first of the two to open his mouth and explain the situation.
"We kissed. Patrick saw" It glided off of his tongue smoothly, with no emotion and certainly no regret.

Kairi and Roshaun tried holding in a laugh, but Amina quickly cut them off.
"Isla?" She asked, wanting her point of view.

"He kissed me, knowing Patrick would come look for me. And so he did" Surprisingly she weren't crying, but her voice were slightly raised and her fists were turned into balls, her nails digging into her palms.

"You actually did that?" Kairi asked, an impressed expression on his face. Ale slapped him harshly.
"Don't ask that now" he whispered, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Fuck off" Isla snapped before turning around, walking with steady steps towards an exit.
Two sets of footsteps were heard behind her, her two best friends had of course followed her.

"Isla wait" Erin said as they tried catching up with her. They eventually did as they stepped out onto the empty field.
Isla turned around, the tears were now rolling down her cheeks, making her mascara go along with it.

The three girls sat down on one of the bleachers, all of them getting goosebumps from the chilly October air.

After many moments of comforting Isla all of their phones lit up, getting a notification from Instagram.
Erin picked her phone up, her face wearing a weird expression.
"Who the fuck is gossippvhs?" She asked, both her brows raised.

"What do you mean?" Amina asked, taking Erins phone out of her hands.
A gasp escaped her mouth as she saw the profile, alongside the pictures that was posted.

"Let me see" Isla snapped the phone, she gasped too at the picture. A picture of a topless female.
A picture of her topless.

"That's me" she whispered, tears stinging her eyes once again.

"That's me" she whispered, tears stinging her eyes once again

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