chapter ten

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He woke up to the sun shining directly into his eyes. Closing his eyes he rolled to his side and hid his face in what he assumed was his pillow but a second later his so called pillow started moving and muttering inaudibly. Harry’s eyes flew open once again and they landed on a familiar head of platinum dyed hair which made an unconscious smile form on his face. Harry closed his eyes and nuzzle Ted’s neck. He wanted to enjoy the moment before he had to get out of bed and life caught up with him.
“Harry can’t breathe” ted muttered making Harry snap out of his trance and realize he had been squeezing ted. Quickly Harry let go of the other man letting the platinum haired man rolled over and lay on his chest.
“Thank you for last night” Harry whispered
“Don’t thank me; I enjoyed it as much as you did. But you do know we still have to talk right?” ted asked softly Harry nodded his head and then hid his face in the pillows making ted laugh.
“come on now Harry” ted cooed trying to get the other man to stop hiding but it only made him use the covers to hide more
“Harry” ted whined making the other peak out from beneath the covers to look at him.
“We have work in an hour and we really need to talk before then” ted whispered softly running his fingers through Harry’s dark locks. With a sigh Harry let the covers lose and emerged from under them.
“Can you promise not to judge me not matter what?” Harry asked bashfully... ted was about to make a joke but the vulnerable look in Harry’s eyes disarmed him and he cupped the other’s cheek.
“Never” he whispered.
That one work was understood between them as an unspoken promise. Harry’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment because of the emotion that one whispered work caused over him. When he forced his eyes open again it was to catch ted looking at him with adoration making his heart clench.
“Ted if you want me to tell you everything and not kiss you breathless you need to stop looking at me like that” Harry muttered using every ounce of self control he had not to throw himself at the other man. With a blush ted retracted his hand and looked anywhere but him.
“Okay…um I guess I should start from the beginning” Harry said and took a deep breath
“Well I was in college when I met Jenifer we didn’t like each other at first both of us were raised to be the best person in the room. We competed in every aspect from grades to our social life. And that was how I made the biggest mistake of my life.
After finals junior year there was this really big party off Campus and both of us were there with our friends. We were having a drinking fame and our friends were egging us on. We were really drunk that night and we hooked up.” Harry said the entire time he was talking not once meeting Ted’s eyes. Ted gently took one of Harry’s hands in both of his own and started drawing soothing circles with his tomb on the back of it.
“I don’t even remember that night. The next morning we both decided to keep it between us and parted ways. We didn’t talk for weeks after that everything went back to normal. But then one day my father asked to me to meet him in his office. My father never asked to meet with me if there wasn’t a problem so I went. I was more than surprised to find Jenifer there with her parents” Harry said
“Why was she there?” ted asked softly
“You see my father and hers were in business together and my father was furious to know that I had taken his business partners daughter to bed. Her father demanded I marry his daughter the second I finished college. I refused because neither of us wanted to get married. But that only proved to anger him more 2 days later Jenifer showed up at my door crying. She told me that her father was going to make her marry an old friend of him” Harry said and took a deep breath before meeting Harry’s eyes for the first time since he started talking
“Ted you wouldn’t believe how old this guy was he could have been her grandfather” Harry said angrily
“Why didn’t she just say no?” ted asked
“Don’t you think she tried? Her father is a stubborn mad. He swore he would disown her if she didn’t do as he said.” Harry growled. Ted could see the anger in Harry’s eyes and feel it rolling off of him in waves.
“So what happened?” ted asked softly
“I had no choice. I couldn’t let her father force her to get married to an old man so I proposed to her in front of both our parents and we got married a year later. She has been living in los angles ever since graduation. Our parents were okay with that for a long time but now they want us to start living together. They want us to act like a proper married couple” Harry said sadly
“They want grand children” ted said realizing what the other was saying
“They want heirs” Harry concluded
“Are you going to do it?” ted asked dejectedly
“I could never do that to an innocent child. I know what it’s like to be in a family like ours. I’m not putting someone else through that” Harry replied firmly
“Besides when I have children its going to be with the person I love” Harry leaned in close cupping the other man’s cheek
“With the type of person who risks everything for me” he leaned even closer
“The type of person that makes my heart skip a beat” by then he was so close ted could feel his breath
“Harry” ted whispered softly his fingers itched to reach out and touch him but he knew that if he did they wouldn’t make it to the office in time.
“I know Harry whispered back gently brushing his cheek bone with his thumb
“You’re really something else, aren’t you?” Harry whispered still ghosting over his lips
“Shut up” ted muttered looking down bashfully which only drove Harry mad seeing the change in Harry’s eyes ted quickly untangled himself from him and proceeded to get out of bed
“Shower here I’ll use the one in the guest bedroom” he muttered and fled out of the room leaving a chuckling Harry behind

After a while Harry climbed out of bed and into the bathroom. He took a quick shower and with a towel around his waist went to the living room to find the clothes he had discarded in a rush the precious night when ted came into the living room after showering and changing he found Harry at the door putting on his pants.
“Leaving so soon?” ted called out leaning against the door frame to the kitchen
“Wouldn’t dream of it” Harry said making his way towards him and giving him a small peck
“My clothes were still at the door” Harry said with a grin which made ted flush once again. Just then Harry’s phone rang
“You tackled me” ted said ignoring the ringing
“You liked it” Harry replied and after pecking his lips pulled out his phone from his pocket and let out an exhausted sight. He turned away from ted and quickly sent a text.
“That was jer, I have to go” ted said
“I’ll see you at the office” ted replied. Harry grabbed his coat and made his way to the door but when he reached the thrush hold he turned around and made quick steps towards ted and kissed him. Because ted wasn’t expecting it he whimpered into the kiss which only made Harry press him harder against the door frame and kiss him with more fever. When Harry pulled away ted leaned in to him his cheeks turning a rosy red
“See you at work” Harry muttered against his lips before making his way out of the apartment.

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