Chapter two

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Harry walked into his office after losing a case. He was respected in the firm for barely loosing in his 4 year career. But he knew that it was going to be hard to keep that track record alive if he didn’t stop thinking about a certain white haired man. With a groan he put his brief case on his desk and it tumbled over falling to the ground and his paper went all over the floor frustrating him even more.
He rubbed his face a little too harshly and combed his fingers through his hair messing his raven hair. He took of his jacket off and put it on the coat hanger he then rolled up his sleeves and loosened his tie and crouched down to pick up his papers. Half way through picking up the papers he saw something he didn’t see before.
He had asked to speak to the medical examiner that processed the body of the person who allegedly was killed by his client and was denied access. He was so angry that he didn’t even check who was keeping the medical examiners identity a secret. Now he saw it written in bold letters. He got up and walked out of his office and into Ted’s using too much force on it that it banged against the wall. Ted who was doing some paper work looked up startled when the other stormed into his office.
“What is the meaning of this?” harry asked waving the piece of paper in his face. Ted sat back in his chair his face going pale. He wasn’t sure why the other looked like he wanted to take his head off but he couldn’t stop his eyes from going over his exposed arms and the little piece of skin peaking out of from his shirt.
“You’re the one who made me lose. Do you understand what that means?!” harry continued shouting at him. That was when he realized what was happening and snapped out of his trance.
“What do you mean I made you lose?” ted asked his face going stonic and turning proper and formal
“Because you banned anyone from knowing the identity of the medical examiner my client was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. I never lose and because of you I just lost a cast that would have been an easy win.” Harry explained
“I’m not apologizing for not putting someone’s life on the line. The medical examiners identity is kept a secret for a reason. His life could be in jeopardy” ted said slowly
“Don’t condescend me. I have been working here for years you can’t just show up and make rules of your own, create a hierarchy. This is not where you belong!” harry shouted at him and ted stood up
“Whether you like it or not. Me and my family own this firm. You are my employee and I am your boss. And you will address me as such. Are we clear Mr. Thornwood?” ted said his voice taking a dangerously firm tone
“Are you threatening me?” harry asked gritting his teeth
“I’m not. I’m only telling you the cold hard facts. The next time you walk into my office screaming your head off about something I will not just let it slid. Now I have things to do and I’m sure you do too, close the door on your way out” ted said and sat back down. Harry looked at him rage and be-wildment clear on his features. He grunted and stormed out of Ted’s office and back into his own office. He pushed the paper pilled on his desk to the floor and punched the desk in anger.
“Harry” someone called from behind him. He turned around to see two of his friends on the door.
“Oh um…hi” harry said awkwardly standing straight and running his fingers through his hair to push it out of his eyes. His friends walked into the room and started picking up the things he threw on the floor.
“Jeremy, Beth you don’t have to do that. I can clean it up myself” he said softly
“We know you can bud. We’re just helping you out” Jeremy said softly
“We know you hate being bossed around but you know you have to apologies for what you just did right?” Beth asked
“Apologies for what?” harry asked enraged
“He’s our boss, harry. You know you could get fired right?” Beth asked
“He wouldn’t dare. No offense to you two but I’m the best lawyer at this firm” harry said standing up from where he was sitting on his desk
“And every one knows that but harry he is our boss he might not care that you’ve won more cases that most of us combined. You could lose your job bud you need to apologies” Jeremy said standing up from where he was kneeling picking up the papers on the floor
“Fucking hell. So I’m just supposed to let him do whatever the fuck he wants and run this place into the ground?” harry asked angrily
“No one is letting him do that. If his family trusts him to run this place then that must mean he knows what he is doing. Just give him time to get a hang of it” Beth said standing in front of harry and grabbing both of his biceps.
“Fuck….okay I’ll try” harry said running his fingers through his hair
“I seriously don’t get how he’s responsible to run this firm through!” Jeremy said a few minutes of picking up the papers on the floor later
“What do you mean? I heard that he passed the bar with flying colors and that he is a devil in court” Beth said
“Come on he can’t be that good. Plus his hair…what kind of lawyer dye’s their hair white?” Jeremy asked
“Platinum” Beth and harry said at the same time
“What’s the fucking difference?” Jeremy asked as harry while Beth looked at each other.
After cleaning up harry’s office they decided to go to the club that just opened near their office. Harry wasn’t feeling like going but he didn’t want to say no to his friends after they spent most of their afternoon picking up and sorting through his paperwork. Harry went to get them drinks when they run into the sea of grinding bodies.
Now that his anger wasn’t clouding his mind he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about the awed look he saw on Ted’s face when he stormed into his office angrily shouting. He had seen how the man’s eyes had darkened with lust and he was suddenly hit with the memories of the night they met. Ever moan and whimper that passed Ted’s lips played in his mind like sinful music. He could feel himself getting hard just thinking about it.
Realizing what was happening he went to the bath room. He washed his face and tried to think about anything else trying to will his Bonner to go down. Once he was able to accomplish that he turned to the door to leave that was when he heard a familiar voice.
“I said no. let me go”
“Come on now play with me a little. I promise not to bite…to hard” he heard someone else slur and he opened the door to see some old guy pushing a guy with a familiar head of white hair against the wall.
“Let go”
“He said no” he said without thinking it through. The old man turned around and sneered at him.
“Fuck off” the old man slurred in his direction and turned back to the shacking man he was holding against the wall. Harry didn’t even blink he pulled him off the other man and punched him. The already drunk man was knocked out and he fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Harry turned from the man on the ground to the man cowering against the wall and sighed. He was covering his faced and shacking. He slowly walked closer and put his hand on his. The man flinched away.
“Ted” harry whispered softly. Ted opened his eyes and looked at him. Before he knew it he threw himself into harry’s arms and started crying. With a soft sigh harry picked him up and walked out of the club. After putting him in the passenger sit of his car he texted his friends that he was leaving and that he will explain why tomorrow. After doing so he drove to his apartment and carried the now sleeping man into his room. He put him on his bed. That was when he realized what the other man was wearing.
Ted was dressed in a black fishnet crop top and short leather booty shorts. Harry could feel something awaken inside his pants. Within records of time he put the other man in his shirt and sweats and tucked him into his bed. He then went to his bathroom and took care of himself. That night he slept on his couch.

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