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Harry walked into the club to be met with the stench of alcohol and sweat. He was with some friends from the firm he worked at. They were celebrating one of their friends making partner. They decided to get some shots before getting on the dance floor so harry followed after them swerving through sweaty bodies grinding against each other to the beat that was resonating through his very being. Half way to the bar he tripped over some one's foot and stumbled forward and he was sure he would have ended up on his face if it wasn't for the firm but small hands steadying him.
Once he regained his balance he turned to thank whoever it was only to freeze. The guy had platinum blond hair that almost looked white under the lights dark green eyes and a slim body to die for. Harry could feel a hunger he hadn't felt before awaken with the way the guy's eyes racked over his muscular body. Since he and his friends decided to come here straight after work he had left his suit coat at his office, took his tie off and put it in his pocket and unbutton a couple of the top buttons on his shirt.
Just as he as his lips parted to express his thanks he felt someone else's arm on his shoulder and instinctively turned around to find one of his friends beckoning him to join them. He mumbled a soft thanks distracted and when he turned around to make sure the guy heard him he found the place where he had been standing empty. Confused and a little dejected he turned and followed to where his friends were. He took the shot they offered him and a couple more after that. Remembering how his body had reacted to just the sight of the other guy was driving his mad. That coupled with the fact that he couldn't find the guy in the sea of grinding bodies was driving him to take shot after shot.
An hour later harry's body was no longer tense and the thought of the mystery guy who gave his the slip had disappeared from his mind. Not feeling like dancing he was still standing near the bar watching how his friends had spread out throughout the dance floor. That was when something caught his eyes. He looked through the crowd again looking for whatever it was when he spotted the familiar head of platinum hair.
He watched the other man dance. He had a certain elegant grace to him that put harry in a trance like state. He saw as many approached him trying to dance or more like grind against his body which truthfully looked like it was sculpt by the gods and how each time he skillfully avoided being captured in there grabby and sweaty hands. Even seeing that his mystery man didn't want a partner for the night nor even for a dance didn't hold harry back from gravitating towards him to try his chance.
He didn't try to put his hands around him like he saw one guy do neither did he try to feel out his sculptured body he simply stood close enough that the other would notice him without being too close so it would seem creepy and like his prayers were being answered the guy turned towards him although his eyes were closed and stumbled against his chest. It was instinctive the way harry's hands went around the other's waist but it was consciously that he kept them there even as the guy opened his eyes and looked at him questioningly.
He was surprised when against all odds the other melted against his body and closed his eyes again. He could feel eyes on them but he didn't really care as he gazed at what looked like an angel in his arms. After some time of standing there tense he whimpered when the other pulled out of his arms but gathered himself when he turned and fit himself back in his hold, this time back to chest. Harry could feel the hunger churning beneath his skin. He needed a taste. The others unmarked skin of his neck was teasing him.
The other winced when harry's hold on his hips tightened painfully he turned slightly to see that harry's stormy gray eyes were now as dark as a rainy night. He bared his neck more. He knew he was teasing him but couldn't help himself he wanted to see harry's resolve break and he didn't care if the other ruined him in doing so. He heard a low growl before he felt harry's breath on his skin.
"Are you sure you want to keep tempting me?" harry asked in a horsy voice. He felt a shiver go through the other in his hold and he turned to face him with dark lust full eyes.
"Are you sure you can handle me if I said yes?" the other asked. Harry smiled despite himself.
"Harry" he introduced him self
"Ted" the other replied licking his lips. And just like that the little will power that was holding the hungry monster inside harry broke and he dragged the other outside with him. The second the back entrance closed harry was on him meeting his lips with a fiery kiss that was will to suck his soul through his lips.
Ted gave as good as he got. He knew he found his much if the way harry was restraining his hands over his head was to go by. It was hot and passionate and downright violent and they were only just kissing. Both couldn't wait to find out how far the other was willing to go and how far they personally could go before it became dangerous and they couldn't come back from it. But the thrill of not knowing only fed to the desire they had for each other.
Harry wanted to strip the other bare and mark ever inch of skin with his hands and lips and teeth but although the hunger he had for the other was driving him to the edge of madness he was not willing to take the other in a dirty alley way behind a club and so they ended up in the back of a cab racing down the streets of California towards harry apartment. They stumbled into the elevator of the building and before he knew it ted had harry pushed against one of the walls the handle digging into his lower back as their lips fought for dominance.
Once inside harry's apartment they pulled apart. Harry put in the security code so that the beeping would stop and he wasn't interrupted while he was ravishing the other man later by the alarm when he turned around the other was undressing while walking down the hall way leaving behind a trail of clothes to harry's bed room. Harry followed after the enticing man. When he got to the thresh hold of his room he found ted on his bed shirtless his pants unbuttoned and arching oh so sinfully.
"Fuck" harry whispered from where he stood
"Harry" ted called out to him his voice sounding like liquid sin
"Have you had anything to drink?" harry asked
"We met at a club what kind of question is that?" ted asked popping himself up on his elbows
"Answer the question ted" harry said his voice taking a deep husky tone. Seeing the heat in his eyes and hearing the gravel in his voice ted felt himself twitch beneath his pants.
"Just a beer I'm not even slightly buzzed" ted replied hoarsely his green eyes had taken their deepest shade and he was seconds away from getting off the bed and climbing the man like a tree.
"Good" harry said and slowly started to unbutton his shirt. Ted's eyes moved from his face still occupied with that intense and heated look to his fingers working on button after button reveling his delicious Carmen skin.
"How old are you?" harry asked once he had dropped his shirt on the floor. Ted couldn't reply because of the bubble in his throat and he couldn't move his eyes away from the muscled chest bared to him.
"Ted! Focus!" harry said in a warning tone and ted had to hold himself back from holding back the moan that tumbled from his lips
"Ha? Age? Yeah...I'm 24 no 25 last week" ted replied with a smirk harry took of his pants and crawled on top of him slowly. Ted moaned loudly when harry's lips finally met his. They lips moved slowly though their bodies wanted so much more but gradually the kiss became heated and demanding. They grabbed, creased, tugged and scratched at each other all the while their lips danced in a dance as old as time.
Their last article of clothing flew off the bed to the floor and they moaned and panted against each other's lips as they finally got the friction from their bodies uniting in the most pleasuring way. They held on to each other like they were scared if an inch of skin was left unkissed or untouched this mind numbing pleasure that was racing through their veins and pooling into the pit of their stomach would stop before they fell from the cliff of their impending orgasm.
With a loud groan and an earth shattering scream they finally got the soaring release they were working towards. Although neither liked lingering touches after sex both couldn't pull their sweaty bodies because of the sated fatigue that rested bone deep inside them. After some time they untangled each other and lay on their backs looking at the mirror on the ceiling.
"Vain much?" ted asked breaking out in laughter
"It was their when I moved into the place. Never came down to getting rid of it" harry replied. He wanted to be angry at the other for laughing at something that wasn't his fault but he liked Ted's laugh and he wanted to keep hearing that.
"Wish I knew it was there while we know." Ted replied turning to his side to face the other
"Hmm and why is that?" harry replied mirroring the other
"I don't know. Maybe it's because you have an amazing body or that I would like to have another view of it from a different angle" ted said gently running his fingers down harry's naked chest.
"You'll get your view but I have work in the morning and I need to sleep now" harry said gently. Ted's face went grim and he sat up.
"I understand I'll be out of your hair" ted whispered lowly and was about to get out of the bed when harry grabbed his hand.
"I didn't ask you to leave. I mean if you want to go its okay but....I...." Harry started and trailed off when he realized he didn't know what he wanted to say.
"It's okay if you want me to leave" ted replied softly seeing the broken look on the other's face harry couldn't help himself but serge up and kiss his soft pink lips. Slowly they lowered back down to the bed and they continued to kiss till there once soft and slow kiss turned lustful and passionate.
"t-thought you h-had work" ted stuttered out between moans.
"I do. Don't care" harry muttered between kissing down his neck. Ted took a few deep breaths and pushed harry off of him.
"I have to get home" he explained to the confused look the other gave him. Although disappointed harry laid back in his bed and watched the white haired man get dressed and rush out of his room. A few minutes later he heard the click of his door closing behind his leaving guest. Harry fell asleep a few minutes later still confused to Ted's sudden departure.

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