Chapter five

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Harry couldn’t sleep. He was tossing and turning in his bed for hours and still sleep was unattainable. He was getting irritated. He sat up and leaned back on his head board. He looked around his room. Since he was a child he was unable to sleep in the dark so the light in his bed room was still on. He sighed loudly and got out of bed and headed to the bath room. He washed his face with cold water hoping it would at least make him feel a bit cold so he could climb into his bed and try using the warm sheets to loll him to sleep but he didn’t feel any different.
He stared at his reflection in the mirror. His stormy gray eyes looked like glass and his raven locks were a mess. He had slight eye bags under his eyes. He went back to his room running his fingers through his hair and sat down on the corner of his bed. He picked up his phone to see it was one in the morning. He wanted to call his friends but he knew since they frequented clubs on Saturdays they would be out cold by now.
He went though his contact list and hesitated to pass Ted’s name. After the day they had spent together he was feeling less discomfort towards his new boss but he still didn’t want to take the offer Ted had given him the day he had walked into his office like he owned the place which truthfully he did but that was another bother to Harry. He was used to be the one making feel others intimidated and now that someone younger than him had a higher position than him it was ticking him off.
While deep in thought he clicked on his contact and didn’t realize he dialed it till he heard Ted’s from the other end. He put the phone to his ear and listened.
“Hello? Harry? Hello Harry, you okay?”
“Hey” Harry called lamely
“Are you okay?” Ted asked on instinct.
“Sorry to wake you” Harry replied not answering his question
“It’s okay. I wasn’t really sleeping” Ted replied with a sigh. Harry imagined that he was running his fingers through his platinum hair and stretching.
“Why not?” Harry asked softly
“I have trouble sleeping. Been that was since I was a kid” Ted replied
“Yeah? Then how do you function all through the day?” Harry asked lying back on his bed
“I don’t know. I guess since it has been like this since I could remember my body has gotten used to the small amount of sleep it got” Ted explained
“I guess that makes sense” Harry replied
“Yeah” Ted said not knowing what to say next
“I really enjoyed today” Harry added a few minutes of listening to each other’s breath later
“I did to. You’re a quick study. The first time I got in one of those cars I crashed and broke my arm” Ted replied laughing softly
“I had a good teacher I guess” Harry replied closing his eyes thinking about the soft and gentle way Ted had narrated how he should drive.
“My sister taught me and she’s a professional racing car driver so don’t give me too much credit” Ted said shyly
“I think you give yourself too little credit” Harry replied
“Maybe so” Ted answered. A few minutes passed with them not saying anything but both listening to the other breath.
“There is this place. It’s not as fancy as your sister’s arena but I love going there.” Harry started weakly
“What is it?” Ted asked eagerly
“It’s an archery range. It’s like a small park thing. You go through it in twos shooting at thieves and such and getting to the hostages at the end of the trail. It’s really fun” Harry described it to the best of his abilities
“It does sound like fun” Ted whispered not wanting to make an assumption without Harry stating clearly that he was inviting him.
“I was planning on going tomorrow. If you’re not busy…maybe you could…come with me?” Harry asked his voice going weaker and weaker with every word
“Yeah I’d really like that” Ted replied softly
“Okay…um text me your address and I’ll be there to get you around 8?” Harry offered
“Yeah…okay” Ted replied really happy that Harry actually wanted to spend time with him outside of work.
“Wear something comfortable” Harry said as an after thought
“I will” Ted replied mentally going through his wardrobe looking for something cute and comfortable to wear
“Okay” Harry said not knowing what else to say
“You should probably go to sleep” Ted stated
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Harry asked with a small smile playing on his lips
“No, not at all. I just don’t want you to be sleep deprived tomorrow” Ted said quickly
“Hey I was just joking. But your right I should ….” He was cut off by a yawn and Ted smiled softly hearing it.
“….got to sleep” he finished
“Yeah” Ted agreed
“Yeah” Harry said not wanting to hang up
“Yeah” Ted said again

Harry didn’t know when exactly he had fallen asleep but when he woke up he realized he had been on the phone for almost 2 hours. He quickly showered got dressed and made a small breakfast for himself before driving to the address Ted had texted him and texting him that he was outside.
A few minutes later Ted walked out of the apartment complex he lived in and climbed into Harry’s car. With a small good morning and soft smile he clicked in his seat belt and they were off. Once they got there they got out of the car and in to great. After someone narrated the rules and the dos and don’ts they waited in the lounge for the people in the game to finish.
“I don’t think I’ve ever held this thing before” Ted said pulling the string and releasing it to make it give a thump.
“It’s actually really simple. And it’s called a bow” Harry said taking a step towards him after placing his bow on the ground. He took an arrow from the quiver on Ted’s back and stood behind him.
“Put the arrow in the dent above your finger and use the tail to hook it with the string before pulling. Now all you have to do is aim” Harry whispered softly against Ted’s ear. Ted closed his eyes when Harry’s breath fanned his ear. He opened his eyes when he felt Harry’s chest on his back. One of Harry’s hands was on Ted’s waist while the other was on his elbow helping his aim.
“Now you shoot” Harry said and took a step back. Ted released the arrow and it hit the outer circle of the bull’s eye.
“You at least hit the circle” Harry said laughing softly
“Why don’t you show me then tough guy” Ted dared him. with a smirk playing on his Harry stood in front of the bull’s eye and shot two arrows in lightning speed both hitting the center of the bull’s eye next to each other.
“There you go. Not so hard” Harry mused smiling. Ted grumbled lowly but didn’t say anything to Harry till they were called in to the game.
They both aimed their bows and entered the path with caution. Harry knew the place like the back of his hand and noticing Harry knew what he was doing Ted was copying his moves.
“Duck” Harry said and the second Ted did his arrow went soaring through the winds right over Ted’s head into the thief cardboard cut out.
“9 o’clock” Harry whispered a second later and Ted shot hitting the thief’s shoulder
“Not bad rookie” Harry said with a smirk.
“Shut up” Ted muttered looking away so Harry wouldn’t see his cheeks lighting up. For the rest of the face it went like that. Harry telling Ted when to shoot or when to get out of the way but a few feet from where the hostages would be Ted tripped a wire and Harry tackled him before he was hit with rubber balls which would disqualify him if he had been hit.
“t-thanks” Ted whispered. Harry looked from where the balls were flying over their heads to the platinum haired man under him and saw he had a scratch on his face which was bleeding. With a sigh he got off him and shot the next three theirs without saying a word. Ted was just following behind him confused.
When they finally got to the hostages they were told they won and were allowed to take the bows and they used. Back in the room where they were changing out of gear Ted was looking at Harry with confusion.
“Did I do something wrong?” Ted asked
“No” Harry replied
“Then what happened. We were laughing and having fun one second and the next you were going ahead of me” Ted said feeling dejected
“You’re bleeding” Harry stated brushing off what Ted said
“So? Is that why you are like this because of a small scratch?” Ted asked annoyed. Harry turned to his shirt less only to realize the other man was in the same state of undress.
“You know what fuck this” Harry said. Ted gulped loudly as the other man stalked towards him with an animalistic look on his face and a roaring flame in his eyes. And before he knew it he was being held against a wall one of Harry’s hands on his hip while the other was on his neck and with his lips devouring his own with a burning need.
Ted gave into the kiss everything he had. He had been wishing for it to happen again since the last time it did and now that Harry was right in front of him kissing him like he was a dying man he wasn’t going to let it slip from his fingers. Harry’s hands were burning in their path across Ted’s body. Trying to sooth the hunger he was feeling for the platinum haired man. Without thinking it through his right hand went to Ted’s upper thigh and pulled his leg around his waist. They were grinding with need and kissing with passion as if they had fallen in a trance where only their lust existed. Harry broke out of the trance when he felt the other’s stiff erection against his and he pulled away.
There stood in front of each other eyes wide, pupils’ blow, lips parted and panting looking at each other with a mixture of shock and lust.

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