chapter eight

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Harry was once again sat in his car dreading leaving it. He opened the glove compartment and took out the quiver he had stashed in there. With a soft sigh he traced his initials. His hands suddenly started shaking. He wasn't sure he could handle being what he wasn't for long. Tears clouded his vision but he was too stubborn to let them out. He leaned his forehead against the steering wheel, closed his eyes and took deep breaths to get control over himself before he lost it completely.

He was shocked when his phone suddenly started ringing. Sitting up he took his phone out of his coat pocket and picked it up without checking the caller ID.

"Hello harry" he heard the voice he had been dreading to hear.

"I'm at baggage claim. Come get me" the person on the other end commanded before the line went dead. After taking a deep breath Harry got out of his car and headed towards where he was instructed. When he got there his wife was glaring at him with irritation. Without speaking a word she walked past him towards the exit leaving her bags behind for him to carry. Grabbing all three of her bags he followed after her. Once he had all her bags in the back of the car he got in and started driving towards his apartment knowing full well he would be hearing from his father if he didn't take there.

When they arrived she followed behind him not knowing which one exactly was his apartment but also now wanting to help with her luggage. Getting to his apartment was a struggle though her bags weren't that heavy they were large in size and hard to hold. Opening the door when they finally got there he stood behind letting her pass.

"Your father wants an heir" she said the second she took her coat off and sat down.

"I'm well aware" harry replied

"My parents also agree its well past the time we...have children" she added

"I've told you before and I'll tell you again, Jenifer. I don't want children especially not from you" harry said firmly

"You do understand our families won't stand for it. We should just have at least on kid so they let us leave our lifes in peace" she said getting up from where she was sitting down.

"I married you so you wouldn't have to marry that old geezer they had set up for you as a backup plan. I don't love you and won't let a child be born into a love less marriage. How can you do that to an innocent kid when you know how hard it is?" he asked her his voice soft.

"I want to go back to LA. Neither of my parents will let me do that before we..." she stated

"Give them a new generation to control" he finished for her.

"Harry don't be difficult" she said pleading with him

"I would do anything for you if I thought it would save you from what your parents force upon you but this I can't do. We can tell them one of us is sterile or something" he said

"You know they would just tell us to go to better doctors and if that doesn't work in their favors they would make us divorce and remarry" she said turning around to face the window.

"I know jen. But we can't just let them control us forever. We have to draw the line at some point" he said standing behind her

"Can you unzip me I want to take a shower" she said softly. Humming softly harry unzipped her and she disappeared into his bathroom. Harry's skin was feeling itchy. He couldn't just sit there and pretend that he was a happily married man who loved his wife. Not for his family, not for anyone. So after shooting a quick text to Jenifer for her to see when she left the bathroom he grabbed his coat car keys and wallet and left.

20 minutes later he was the exact same place he had parked when he came to pick ted up before they headed to the archery rage. Asking which apartment was Ted's harry made his way up. When he finally found it he banged on the door with too much force before he could change his mind. The door opened a second later by an angry looking ted. But before he could say anything harry was pushing him inside and closing the door behind him.

"I can't get you out of my head" harry muttered breathlessly before he connected their lips in passionate kiss. Pinning ted to the wall he pulled off his shirt and moved his lips down his neck. Half an hour later harry rolled off of him to the floor panting to catch his breath. In their haste to sate their hunger for each other they had devoured each other on the floor.

"Harry~" ted called breathily

"Yeah...I know" Harry replied with a sigh. Harry sat up and turned to look at the devilished man still laid on the floor panting.

"You're really beautiful, you know" Harry said softly

"Harry you need to start talking to me" ted said sitting up too.

"I know and I will" harry replied cupping his face. "Just give me tonight" harry pleaded against his lips before kissing him softly

"Okay but let's go to the bedroom. I'm getting friction burns" ted said grabbed the other man's hand and lead him to his bed room.

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