Night with.....

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We all arrived at dans it was like 8:30 pm so we got changed into pjs and came downstairs and we decided to watch a horror movie<Carrie>it was like 10:30pm and I was sitting on Leo's lap and Chelsea was laying on Charlie's chest we both fell asleep but I soon woke up when i heard my phone ring I saw it was Bailey I didn't no whether to answer I woke Chelsea up to come upstairs with me Leo asked r u alright? I said yh I'll only be 1 min then we both ran upstairs. I answered the phone and said what do u want? Bailey said I'm so sorry about the party but I do love u and care about you and I don't want this to change anything I will always be here for you, I said alright just don't do it again otherwise it will change everything, anyway I gtg now he say ok bye then the call ended. I looked straight at Chelsea and started laughing then I explained what Bailey said then we went downstairs, Chelsea rested her head on Charlie's chest and then I went back to sitting on Leo's lap and then I kissed him it was now 12:00 pm we were all tired so we went to bed we were all staying in my room as there were 2 beds and obviously Chelsea was lying in the bed with Charlie but anyway we just drifted off to sleep.

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