The party

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It was the summer holidays,me(Courtney) and Chelsea were staying at my cousins house Dan halawi for about 4 months.we started unpacking and then there was a knock on the door it was bars and melody,me and Chelsea looked at each over in shock we just tried to play it cool... Leo asked if we wanted to go to the party they had planned for ages we already knew about this as we were bambinos but we didn't think we were gunna be invited,anyways we said yh sure whilst we went bright red then Charlie and Leo said alright we can go together at 5:40pm then they both went downstairs. Me and Chelsea freaked out because we didn't know what to wear and we only had 2 hours to get ready.I Was just chucking clothes everywhere until Chelsea said Courtney do you want me to help you pick an outfit so I said alright thanks so Chelsea picked me a black tight fitting dress with all black air max.chelsea decided to wear all white air max,black leggings,a white crop top and a black cardigan.It was 5:00pm so we started putting on makeup and doing our hair.we were finally ready and it was time to leave Leo and Charlie were waiting for us downstairs,we left and made our way to the hall were the party was.we got there early so we were all helping set up. The party was all ready and the first guests arrived it was Bailey and Brandon then by 6:15 everyone was there like the whole of the alphadog family and some bambinos aswell as Hussain. Me and Chelsea Were just partying and already we were a bit drunk😂 anyway me and Chelsea done covers on YouTube but we didn't think we were famous but some bambinos asked us to perform so we did we started singing 2 on the whole crowd started cheering when I started singing ''give me all that you got now''then Chelsea started rapping and everyone was cheering after the song finished Bailey and Brandon was like well done you guys are amazing and then as me and bailey have always been best friends since we were like 5 we were just chilling with Bailey.

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