Chapter 8

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"Woah! That was so fun!!" Says Reon, as he has introduced himself as, and lets out a chuckle.

"Yeahh! Even though we didn't win." Says Sapphire, smiling.

How was that even fun? Running around trying to find an useless item was fun? I sigh silently. These people are so hyperactive that I can't keep up. On top of that, they are all kind so I can't tell them to leave me alone because I'll feel guilty. Jake has tried to talk to me as little as he can, probably because of the other day.

"You okay?" Asks Hardin with a smile on his face.

I snap out of my trance. "Huh? Uh.. yes, of course. Just a bit tired." I say.

"Rosanna, would you like to sit beside me during lunch?" Asks Angeliya, the girl who has never let go of my hand since the treasure hunt started.

"Um, I think I should go to Daisy." I say and awkwardly pull out my hand.

"She can join us too." Reon says.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Anyway, I'll be going now." I say and go ahead.

I continue walking to the place where the students are supposed to eat lunch. I spot Daisy and go to her.

"Hey, Dais. We'll eat lunch together?" I ask.

I see her face fall. "I'm sorry, Rose. You see, there is this boy named David. He is really handsome and kind. I kind of want to get close to him." She says and smiles cheekily.

I try to keep the smile on my face. "Oh, that's cool. You can eat with your friends." I say and I'm pretty sure she'll catch up on the lie.

"Thanks, Rose. I'll tell you everything once I get a chance." She says and I'm hurt about the fact that she doesn't realize that I'm hurt. When I realize that I'm hurt because of that, I feel even more hurt.

"Daisy, come on." Calls out a girl.

"Coming!" She replies and waves at me. I awkwardly wave back. Suddenly, I'm at a loss for appetite. I sigh. I walk over to the teacher.

"Ma'am." I call out.

"Yes?" She answers and turns her face to me.

"Can I please get my phone back?" I ask. I really need music right now.

She laughs. "You can't even survive 48 hours without your phone?" She asks.

I shrug. If I had a knife I would've stabbed her.

"Why do you think I took your phone?" She asks.

"To make me kill myself?" I mutter under my breathe. Thankfully, she didn't hear it.

"It was to make you have fun." She answers. I glance up to her face. She smiles warmly. "I always see you at school doing nothing but listening to music or talking to Daisy. I wanted to let you experience some high school stuff. I know about your parents, elder sister and all but must be thinking I'm such a nosy person."

"That is exactly what I was thinking!" I exclaim, truly surprised.

"Hey!" She scoffs.

"But.. I'm used to nosiness." I say and walk to the opposite direction. "Also, I'm skipping lunch." I say and run swiftly into the mountain, not bothering to hear her reply.

I walk through the forest. It's silence comforting me. I think about what the teacher told me and a smile creeps up to my face. Well, maybe she isn't that bad, except the fact that she took my phone away.

I stop in front of a tall tree. I think back to the time when my sister and Dave used to be in middle school. At 6pm, everyday, we were supposed to go the local park but Dave and Dais were always late. Me and my sister used to climb the tallest tree in the park and watch the sunset. When we see the 2 of them entering the park, we would scream our lungs out in order to get their attention. I remember Dave telling us how embarrassing that was but we never stopped. Eventually, he got used to it.

I climb the tree in front of me. I haven't climbed trees ever since my sister and Dave had gotten busy with their final exams. I think it was during then that me and my sister grew distant. I wanted to let her concentrate, maybe if we talked more often she wouldn't have died. But I don't want to blame myself. Exams killed her. I chuckle to myself. I'm so stupid.

I look over at the view in front of me. Even though the view is completely different from the one in the park, I can feel an adrenaline rush. I smile. And then I chuckle. I look over to the direction where the other students are eating. They are so far but even though I'm so far, I still spot Daisy. Should I call out to her? She might not want me to. Who am I kidding? It's not like she'll be able to hear me anyway. But I don't want to call out to her either way. I only want one person to hear me.

I intake as much air as my tiny lungs can. "REBECCA. I MISS YOU." I shout out loud. I feel some weight lift off of my head as I say it. "I'M SORRY." I continue. More weight is lifted off of my head and it feels so good that I continue shouting the same things.

I stop when I realize, now that the weight has been lifted, I feel light headed. I laugh. I feel like I'm crazy. The thought makes me laugh more. The next thing I know, I'm crying. I think about Daisy. I can't help but feel like she doesn't want me anymore. I know I'm being stupid but, I don't know, it's hard to explain.

After I'm done crying I realize it has become a bit dark. I want to waþch tge sunset but I'm pretty sure the teachers would be worried. Well, we're here for the next few days so I have time. I check my watch. I see that my watch has stopped working. That's weird, the last time I checked my watch it was almost 3:00. Now it shows 1:37.

I gulp, suddenly feeling chills crawling its way up my spine. That's the time Rebecca died. I decide that it's time to head back but I feel my legs becoming unsteady and wobbly. There's a sudden gush of wind. What is this?! A horror movie, or what?

I decide to wait until my legs become steady again but the wind gets stronger with the passing minute.

When I'm sure my feet aren't wobbly anymore, I start climbing my way down. I don't know what time it is but it's dark. Not the evening darkness but it feels like it's going to rain hard.

Cautiously, I step onto each branch. I sigh. I've definitely been getting fatter over the years and the lack of movement can really be felt. I'm half way down when, thanks to my wonderful luck, a branch snaps and I feel myself get pulled by gravity. On instincts, I sway my arms all around trying to get a hold of something. But I don't shout. And that's when I hit the ground. Only, it doesn't feel like how I expected it to. I get confused until I hear a few gasps.

I open my eyes slightly and look around to find numerous shocked and concerned faces looking at me. I sit upright and that's when I noticed that I fell on top of a certain someone.


"Mind getting off? You're surprisingly heavy." He says and I quickly fumble my way away from him and sit right beside where his body lies, too lazy to move anymore. He gets up, Sapphire and Angeliya makes their way towards me.

"Oh my, god! Are you okay, Rosanna?" Asks Angeliya with concern written all over her face. The other kids, some whose name I do know, from my class comes and helps me stand up and even though I wanted to sit for awhile, I accept their help and get up on my feet. I feel a sharp pain hit me in my right ankle. But I keep quiet.

"Hey, you guys! I could be hurt too, you know?" Asks a pissed off Hardin.

"Nah, you'll be fine." Says Sapphire and laughs a little while Hardin just frowns but the pain in my ankle is really distracting me. I think it might even be swollen under the sock. Why do I feel like this trip is going to bring trouble? And just as I finished the thought, it starts raining.

To Be Continued

I hope you enjoy. Love ya<3
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