Chapter 9

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"Why did it have to rain?" Reon sulks. "It's so troublesome."

I sigh. I don't understand what good it does to complain so I just stand there trying to ignore the pain in my ankle that just so happened to increase because of accidently putting pressure on it. We didn't have to run or something because we found shelter under the shades of the big tree I had previously climbed.

They all talk about something but I just space out. That was until I hear my name being called.

"Huh?! What?!" I say, startled.

"I asked if you're okay. You look kind of paler than usual." Hardin points out. I mentally sigh. I can control my expressions but how can I control my blood from draining out of my face?

"I'm fine." I say and try to put on a smile but before I can do that he comes close to me and I feel my heart skip a beat. He is too close and his dark eyes lock with mine. I'm sure my face has a lot of blood now. He lifts his right hand and I shut my eyes, afraid of what he is doing. His big hand gently land on my forehead.

"Doesn't seem like you have a fever. Wait! Maybe I was wrong, you are a bit warm." He says casually. Now I'm just embarrassed. I suddenly start finding my shoes really interesting. "I think you should sit down. It doesn't seem like the rain is letting up anytime soon, anyway."

"Let's all sit down. I'm tired of standing." Says Angeliya. I nod and sit down slowly, careful with my ankle. We sit in an arc around the tree. I relax a bit and lean my back on the tree. Angeliya sits on my right and Hardin sits on my left. Next to Hardin is where Jake sits and Sapphire sits next to Angeliya.

They all make small conversations except me and Hardin. I feel very comfortable until he starts leaning a little towards me and I immediately tense up. He doesn't do it in an obvious way so the others carry on their conversation. He leans a bit more and I can feel his hot breathe hit my ears.

"I understand that your ankle hurts but I don't think the cure is to bite your lips so hard." He whispers into my ear. My eyes widen in realisation. He knew about my ankle so he suggested that I sit down. I'm so stupid to think he was about to do something. Without thinking, I swiftly turn my head to his direction and immediately regret it. I see his face up close. An epiphany hits me. He is beautiful. Our faces are just a few inches away from each other and his eyes widen, almost as wide as mine but he doesn't move away. I wait for a second too long for him to move away but when he doesn't, I do it myself.

I feel so awkward that my shoes become the most interesting thing I've ever seen.

From the corner of my eyes, I sneak a peak at him. My eyes slightly widen when I see him blushing beyond human capability. Is he flustered? I shake my head slightly to clear all my thoughts.

The rain lets up soon and we go back to the resort.

"Holy fish! It's so cold!" I say as me and Sapphire enter our room. I feel really comfortable around her. Maybe a hug is all it takes to melt the barrier around my heart but there are still layer which need to be melted and I'll try my best to help her to do so.

She chuckles and throws me a towel. I quickly dry my hair and body and take some clothes with me to the washroom.

After we both freshen up she insists that we talk a bit because we still have time before tea. I agree but what I didn't know was it wasn't going to be just the two of us.

"Hey guys!" Angeliya exclaims and sits beside me. How much more does the god of socializing want to test me? I mentally sigh.

"Guy, we are on a field trip and not to mention that this is the last one of our high school days so let's play some fun games. Just our team. Any suggestions?" Says Sapphire. I'm pretty sure the reason she didn't invite anyone else is because of me. I'm grateful.

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