Chapter 7

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I open my eyes and go to the window of my room. It is raining. So beautiful. I go out and stand under the rain, allowing it to soak me to the bone. It doesn't feel cold but yet I'm shivering. It wasn't raining heavily before but now, it has turned into a thunderstorm. I don't move, or rather, I'm unable to move. It feels like my body is on fire and yet, I'm still shivering. I hear someone snickering. I turn to that direction and I see a child, a toddler, walking towards me, laughing all the way. He has a knife in his left hand and he keeps playing with it, his other hand in his pocket. As he gets nearer he starts growing and by the time he gets to me, he is almost my age. I want to run but when I look down at my body I see that I'm tied with thick metal chains. He brings the knife to my cheek and, using the blunt side, he traces it down to my neck. He then changes the side to the sharp one and as it cuts my skin I scream.

"Rosanna? Rosanna?! Wake up!!" I hear a voice and I realize I was having another nightmare. But i still kept screaming as i realize the voice wasn't Ryanna's . I shoot my eyes open and find myself in an unfamiliar, dim room. I scream louder. That's when I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I freeze. When was the last time I was hugged? I eventually calm down and hesitantly hug the person back. We stay like that for a bit until the person pulls apart.

"Are you calm now?" Sapphire asks as she smiles at me.

I nod my head, my eyes on the white sheets on the bed. She had climbed onto my bed in order to calm me down. I feel like crying because I caused her so much trouble. But I won't, of course.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you." I say, almost in a whisper.

She laughs. "It's fine. Everyone has times like these."

"I'm also sorry for turning down your offer on hanging out." I say and immediately feel my face burn up. I wasn't planning on saying that.

She smiles. "I'm sure you have your reasons." I have to say, that surprised me. I've never met another person who tries to see stuff from someone else's point of view. Even Ryanna and Daisy don't do that. They keep telling me to get over my sister's death but they don't understand that I don't know how to.

I smile back at her and grab the water placed near my bed. I gulp it all in one go. She watches me.

"Will you hangout with us tomorrow?" She asks me. I think about it for a while. "Please?" She adds.

"I kinda feel bad for disturbing you tonight, so yeah." I say.

She practically jumps up and down in my bed. I didn't expect her to be that happy about me tagging along. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to talk and get to know you." She says

"Really?" I ask. She hums and nods. I study her features. She has hazel eyes and bangs that lie just above her eyes. It seems like she had black hair but she added dark brown highlights. Her wavy hair lies upto her elbow. She has freckles on her face too.

We go back to sleep. I noticed how she didn't ask me what dream I had and I'm extremely grateful for that.

I groan at the annoyingly loud alarm clock. "Shut up!!" I yell as I turn it off. I get up and do my morning routine. When I'm done, I wake Sapphire who had turned her alarm off and drifted back to lalaland.

"5 more minutes." She whines.

"No! We'll be late." I say.

"Who cares?" She asks. Well, I don't but then I'm pretty sure she does.

"Don't you?" I ask. She chuckles, still with her eyes closed.

"Yeah, I guess." She says and gets up. I wait for her as she gets ready for the day. She applies light make up and contact lenses. She ties her hair back into a loose bun.

"You don't apply makeup, do you?" She asks.

"No, I don't." I reply.

"And yet you have the perfect skin." She compliments me.

I laugh. "You're funny." I say. One of my ways to hide my awkwardness.

Her eyes lit up. "That's the first time I heard you laugh."

I smile at her before checking my watch for the time. "Holy fish!! We are 30 minutes late!!" I yell and grab her wrist and practically drag her to the meeting place.

By the time we reach there, the students have all been divided into groups. The teacher gives us a sarcastic look. "Why did you both show up? You should've stayed in your rooms." She says.

I don't understand how a person can be so goddamn annoying! We just stand there. I wonder when she'll be done with the lecture on punctuality and how we can ruin our lives if we ain't serious.

"The two of you are in the same team. Sapphire, make sure she takes part in everything properly." The teacher says to Sapphire. What am I? A 5 year old? I want to kill this old hag already.

"Am I a 5 year old or what?!" I say and roll my eyes as the old hag turns around and walks away.

She laughs but then she squeezes her eyes shut, joins her palms together and keep her hands slightly above her head as she bows. "I'm sorry.. I'm the reason we're late."

I'm taken aback by her sudden action. "No no no! It's fine!" I say while waving both my hands dismissively.

"Hey guys!" Someone says. I turn around and see that it's Jake and his friends. I look at them in confusion. "We're in the same group." He says.

I sigh internally. How I wish Daisy would rescue me from this group. I scan my eyes through the place and see Daisy standing there laughing with her teammates. I feel a pang of jealousy but then she has always been a bit friendly to everyone, unlike me who doesn't even know my classmates names.

My teammates continue talking. My team includes 6 people. Me, Sapphire, Jake, Hardin and 2 random people from my class. I'm relieved about the fact that I know 3 people from the group. But now I'm worried about how I'm going to ask the 2 people their names.

"Our activity starts after breakfast. We are going treasure hunting." Says the random boy.

"Rosanna, let's become friends." Says the random girl while she jumps up and down a bit and holds both my hands together.

"Umm, how about we just introduce ourselves because this is our first time talking?" I suggest while the random girl is still holding my hand.

"We are classmates. Why do we have to introduce ourselves again?" Asks Sapphire.

"I bet you don't know their names." Says Hardin, smiling. My wide eyes look at him. He is exposing me like that?!

"Don't be stupid!" Says the random boy while the others agree.

"Actually... he is right." I mutter under my breathe. They all snap their heads towards me and so I know they all heard me.

"Pardon?!" Everyone except me and Hardin says. I look down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry... it's just that I-I don't really t-talk to you g-guys so--." I was cut off from my stuttering.

"You are so cute!!" Squeals the random girl and starts pinching my cheeks. "Look at you blushing like that. You are adorable!!" She says.

Wait, they aren't angry?

To Be Continued

Hey!! I know I'm updating pretty slowly but please don't ditch me or something. As always , thank you for your support :) <3

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