Chapter 1

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Home alone. I'm lying on the bed in my room with my eyes staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, I hear breaking of glasses. I go out to check and see someone standing there with his back towards me. Tall and slender with a black long coat on. He turns and looks at me. I see his bleeding face. He starts running towards me.

I open my eyes and start screaming. My little sister Ryanna has to calm me down before I realize I had a nightmare.

Once I've calmed down she passes me the bottle of water as always and I gulp it down. As always. I've been having nightmares like these every night for the past 3 years. And it was ever since that day. The worst day of my life. The day my elder sister died. It affected all my family members but not as much as it affected me and for some reason I've had nightmares ever since. Not missing a single day.

"Are you alright, Rose?" Ryanna asks with concern written all over her face. Of course I would lie because I don't want to worry her. It's not like she can do anything anyway.

"Yeah, I just had a dream again" I say as I smile and try my best to look like I'm not as affected as I actually am.

"What's up with you? How are you still smi--" She gets interrupted by me as I let out a yawn.

She looks so offended that I'm actually enjoying it. "Let's just go back to sleep."

Now I lay in my bed, thinking. Why do I have these dreams? Is it because I haven't recovered from my sister's death? But the dreams I see have no connection to her whatsoever. There are so many questions floating around in my head that I don't even realize when I fall asleep.

The next day I wake up and do my morning routine. I wake Ryanna up soon after and head towards the kitchen but what I see next was something I never would've expected to see. Shattered glasses all over the floor. My entire body gets taken over by pure terror as cold drops form on my forehead.

I rush towards the stairs to ask Ryanna if she knows anything about it but just as I was about to climb them I see her come down. She smiles at me but her expression is quickly taken over by a concerned one as she sees me hyperventilating.

"What's wrong?" She asks me.

"Did you hear the sounds of glasses shattering during the night or something?" I ask. I'm breathing really heavy, almost like I just finished running a marathon.

"Um... no?" She replies.

I grab her wrist dragging her to the kitchen. She stares at the shattered pieces of glass. She looks at me briefly and opens the kitchen cabinet where we've kept all the  utensils made of glass only to find them untouched. We stare at each other for a while, neither of us knowing what to say, that moment seemed to last for an eternity until she looks at the clock and her eyes widen.

"Oh my god! Rose we'll see about this later but right now we really gotta run." She says and throws my bag in my direction. School is the least of my worries right now.

"We'll clean it up after school." She says but we both know that isn't the problem here.

Later, when we take the bus, Ryanna goes and talks to her friends while I sit there alone with my headphones, blasting the music.

Ryanna is 2 years younger than me. I'm a senior in high school while she is a freshman. She has become really popular in just a few months while most people still don't know who I am. It is to be expected as we don't go around telling everyone we are sisters and I only open my mouth at school to answer teachers if they ask a  question, eat and talk to my best friend, Daisy. We both talk a lot to each other and very little to others. Her elder brother, Dave, used be my sister's boyfriend. We are all childhood friends but the 2 of them were especially close. After she passed away, which was during the last month of their last high school year ,he moved away for a job. We all really miss them. Both Dave and my sister.

I sit in class waiting for the teacher to come, who is apparently late. I also can't help but think about the shattered glasses from this morning. All the students are busy talking. Daisy comes up to me.

"Heya, Rose." She greets me.

"Hey." I say trying to show her my best fake smile. But I know she would smell something is wrong.

"Did you have one of your dreams again?" She asks me and we sigh together.

"Look, Rose, I know it's hard when you lose someone you love. In fact, I can't imagine my life without Dave. But..." she pauses for a second. "It's been 3 years."

"I know. I wanna get over it too. But it's easier said than done..." I say as my voice trails off towards the end. What more could I say? It's not my fault that I have these nightmares.

We start talking about random stuff when I suddenly remember the glass incident from this morning. How could I forget? That is so unlike me.

"You know, Dais? The strangest thing happened today." I say.

"What is it?" She asks me with full curiosity.

"Today morni--" I start but get cut off.

"Good morning class. I apologise for my late arrival but let's get to the lesson." The teacher says, interrupting me.

"Tell me later." Daisy whispers as she goes back to her seat.

"I will." I say and wave to her.

The teacher simply starts explaining the lesson but my mind is elsewhere. I had heard the glass shattering but I'm sure I was dreaming. Daisy is really clever and intelligent and she loves reading mystery books so I was hoping she would use her knowledge to find me an answer.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bell rings indicating that it is lunch break. Me and Daisy head towards the cafeteria. It is really crowded and I see Ryanna from afar. She was chatting with her friends. She sees me and smiles at me. I smile back.

Daisy and I get our food and find an empty table.

"So what happened this morning? I was so curious that I couldn't focus on the lesson." She says and laughs. I laugh too but I quickly get serious.

"This morning I was headin--" I start only to get interrupted again.

"Miss Daisy of class 3-A, please report to the staff room immediately. I repeat, Miss Daisy of class 3-A please report to the staff room immediately." Says the school's speaker.

"Ugh! What's with all of them wanting to interrupt our time together?" She says and turns her head to me. "I'm really sorry, Rose. If I knew it was such hard work to be the class monitor I wouldn't have agreed to it." She says, frowning.

"Of course, your class monitor's position is more important to you." I say sarcastically.

She fake gasps. "How did you figure that out?I thought I had acted well." She says.

"I've got sixth sense." I say as I point to my right temple, raising my brows in a sarcastic pride.

We both laugh and she makes her move to the staff room.

I sit at the cafeteria alone, munching on my food when I feel someone standing in front of me.

I look up to the person and I am unable to move. The person who stood in front of me was the man from my nightmare.

To Be Continued

This is my first story. Hope you enjoy<3

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