Chapter 2

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I blink a few times before rubbing my eyes and looking back at the man only to find one of my classmates standing before me. What the hell?! Was I hallucinating? I don't realize that I've been staring blankly at the boy in front of me.

"Is there something on my face?" He asks, confused.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry. I spaced out a little." I reply turning my eyes back to the banana milk in my hand.

There was an awkward silence. I decide to break it. "So, can I help you?" I ask trying my best to sound polite. Even though I might seem like a confident person I'm actually really awkward.

"Um...Actually, no. I was heading back to my table and I was thinking about something. Before I knew it I ended up here." He says and smiles brightly at me. He is one of the most popular boys at school, he is so friendly that I can see why.

I wasn't exactly buying what he said but I didn't really want to talk more than this because I couldn't even recall his name. I don't even remember my classmate's name. I mentally facepalm myself. Why am I like this?

"It's okay. I understand." I say, returning the smile.

He smiles at me once again before returning to his table and starts chatting with his friends. Meanwhile I decide to go back to my class since the crowded and noisy atmosphere in the cafeteria wasn't exactly the best for thinking.

I'm seated in my desk, eyes on the clean blackboard, headset on, blasting the music in my ears. I can't get my mind off of the weird things that have been occurring since this morning. First, the glasses and now I'm hallucinating? And the fact that I'm not getting the chance to tell these stuff to Daisy is really pissing me off. I'm lost deep in my thoughts when someone taps on my shoulder and I flinch really hard. I turn around to see Ryanna standing there.

"Oh god, Ryanna, you almost gave me a heart attack." I say with wide eyes and my hand lying right over my heartbeats.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." She says but I can see she is really holding back her laughter.

I drop my chin onto my handpalms. "Let it out." I say.

She holds her stomach and bursts out laughing. "You should've seen your face." She says amidst her laughing. "It was so funny. Almost comical." She says.

I shoot her an annoyed glance and roll my eyes but I actually feel really warm seeing her laugh like this "So, what do you want?" I ask as she wipes her tears from laughing too much.

"Actually I couldn't stop thinking about what we saw this morning in the kitchen." She says as her face takes on a serious expression.

"What did we see?" I ask even though I'm well aware of what she is talking about. I don't want to tell her about my dream. It will just worry her for no reason.

She looks at me in disbelief. I know that she knows that I know something about it. "The glasses." She says.

I sigh. I don't know what to answer. I don't even know if she'll believe it if I tell her about my dream. What if she doesn't? What if no one will believe me? Will Daisy believe me? I start doubting everyone around me. If I was in their place, would I believe myself? Probably not. Overthinking is a bad habit of mine but it helps me figure out every possible outcome to a situation and also helps me distinguish between the ones that are most likely to take place. In the end, I stick to my decision to not tell Ryanna. But should I say this to Daisy? I'm unsure about it.

"I don't know. Maybe it was Simba?" I say. Simba is the name of our cat. It is a ginger cat and looks like the Simba from the lion king.

"But you saw our cabinet. Everything was untouched." She says. I quickly think of what I should say.

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