Chapter 12

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It's still dark when I hear Bash fumble into the room waking Liam and I up.

"What the fuck dude shutup." Liam mumbles and throws a pillow at Bash's dark form moving about the room.

"Sorry bro I can't see shit."

I turn on the lamp next to my bed and Liam curses at us and turns over.

"How's was our girl?" My voice sound scratchy and full of sleep.

"Really good. She will be up in a couple hours to start getting ready then we will grab her for breakfast."

He's got a big goofy smile on his face as he throws something into his hamper. I look at him in question.

"Uhhh my boxers."

"What?" I ask, now a little confused... but then I think about why he would have dirty boxers after spending the night with Mia and I sit up. I clear my throat and ask again.

"Wait what?"

He looks sheepish, but giddy as he responds.

"We made out and did some stuff last night. I came in my boxers..again. I swear to god if you make fun of me I'll deck you." I start to laugh then I'm cut off by Liam.

"You piece of shit I'm going over tonight, screw you and your premature ejaculation." Bash only laughs at his brother's tone.

"You wouldn't have been able to stop yourself either, trust me."

I stop laughing now.
"Fuck you both I'm going over tonight!"

"Now now no fighting boys we will rock paper scissor again." Bash replies still smiling. Well he's in a great mood.

"Tell us what happened." Liam demands.

"Yes, I want details don't leave anything out." I add.

Bash sits on his bed to tell us about his night and that's how we end up with raging hard ons all through breakfast with Mia.

"You guys seem extra tired today, did you not sleep well?" Mia asks as she rubs her thumb over the dark circle under my eye.

"I slept great." Bash chirps. Liam yawns and grumbles,

"We were up early."

We are walking through the quad after our first day of classes. We each have classes Monday- Thursday at different times. None of us share any classes because we all have different majors. I'm in construction management, Bash sports medicine, Liam business and my Mia is in teaching. The three of us plan to take over our father's businesses, which is usual for the eldest male in the family and Mia wants to teach.

She won't ever have to work with the three of us supporting her, but she has always been adamant about having a career. Teaching is a safe choice, as the schools are well guarded, but I would still rather her be at home where we can pamper her and fill her with babies.... well that sounded sexist, but the thought of her pregnant makes my heart beat a little faster. I know that's still years off, but that has been a thought in my head since Senior year.

She will be a really great Mom and having a family like mine is a dream for me. My family has always been really close and with three dads the house work and childcare was always evenly distributed. Someone was always home with us kids and there was always extra attention to go around. I want that for my kids. Bash and Liam will make great co dads and Mia will be better supported between the three of us. I yawn which breaks up my thoughts.

"How were your classes baby?"

"Really good! I liked both of my professors and everyone was so friendly. It seems so different then high school, everyone was so relaxed. I love the vibe."

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