•Chapter 6: Staying the night•

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Where are we staying the night Mr. Detective~?

Shuichi froze after hearing what the supreme leader had said, he hadn't thought about that problem. They were handcuffed together, so obviously they couldn't get away from each other, meaning they both wouldn't be able to go separate ways to their own places. The detective turned to look at Kokichi who was waiting for an answer, they stared at each awkwardly before the taller individual adverted his gaze putting on a thinking semblance.

"Um, we could stay at your place." He suggested. The purple haired boy shook his head, he didn't think that was a good idea.

"Nuh uh, we are not staying in my secret place, my organization would kill you instantly."

"Then where?"

"Well, at your place, obviously." Kokichi stated pointing at the other.

"W-what? Why there?! I have my secrets too, you know?"

"Oh come on! It's not like I want to interfere with your investigations. Like, why would I ever do that?"

"That totally sounds like a lie."

"But it's the truth! Even if a wanted to, you could prevent me from doing so. Ya know, cuz of this." He pointed at the handcuffs.

Shuichi had to admit that the other had made a fair point... guess he had no other option.

"Sigh... Fine, we'll stay at my place..." He agreed, defeated.

"Great! Now lead the way Saihara-chan!" Kokichi instructed as he started to march.

The detective sighed in annoyance, and started walking, going at the front in order to lead them to his house.


The Shuichi stopped in front of a big house with a blue door. He then took a key out of his pocket and unlocked it, showing a tidy and large living room. They both stepped in, Shuichi left the keys on a table as the other took in his surroundings. The supreme leader ordered the detective to give him a house tour, and so he did. It was a pretty big place, almost looked like a mansion. It wasn't a big surprise to Kokichi though, it was obvious that a well known detective like Shuichi would earn a lot of money, so he kinda expected him to have a nice and huge home.


They were now standing in front of the bathroom door. Another fucking problem none of them had thought about. They were covered in panta and they obviously had to take a shower, but the problem was how. First of all, they couldn't take their top clothes off because of the handcuffs, unless they, somehow, slid them through the part that was around their wrists. Second of all, they couldn't bath at the same time, there was only one shower and not enough space for two to fit. And last but NOT least, naked and together? No, thank you. The only idea that formed in their small brains was: while one of them was taking a shower the other would turned around. But did Shuichi trust the criminal? Heck naw.

"So, umm... How big is your dick?" Kokichi said out if nowhere. The other gasped in embarrassment and adverted his gaze.


"Nishishi, just kidding. Jeez, you sure get embarrassed reaaaaaally easily. Anyway, any ideas of how to shower without ending up fucking?"


"Maaaan, you are totally not boring. But seriously, any idea?"

"Well, how about we just shower without our top clothes, but with pants on? You know, since I think we are only wet from head to waist."

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