XX. The art of losing an Octavia.

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"The radio would've been better." Clarke sighed, finally taking in the rigid demeanour's of Carter and Bellamy. "What's up?"

"Have you seen Octavia?" Bellamy asked, his mind refocused on his sister.

"No," Clarke shook her head, thinking nothing of it. "It's Octavia, she's probably chasing butterflies."

"She missed the launch," Carter explained with furrowed eyebrows. "I haven't seen her since this morning. Something's wrong."

"Clarke, I've checked camp." Bellamy swallowed. "She's not here."

Clarke studied their faces quietly. She was moderately taken back by the sheer concern on Bellamy's face. Carter had her eyebrows furrowed and a concerned look in her eyes, but unless you really looked for it, her face portrayed little emotion. Something Clarke was beginning to get used to seeing on her friend. "Okay," She nodded slowly. "I'll help you find her." There was a short pause before Clarke gave the two instructions. "Let's check again. Bellamy, you check the drop ship. Carter, you know the way to the butterfly field so look there. I'll check the rest of the tents."

With one firm nod, Carter turned on her heel and headed towards the exit of the wall. Luckily, no one stopped her this time. She had only gone to the butterfly field once and that was because Octavia was desperate to share it's beauty with someone other than her departed love interest. In truth, Carter didn't find it all that interesting. Sure, there was hundreds of butterflies that illuminated a beautiful deep blue color, but Carter had always found something creepy about butterflies. She used to think they were really pretty, until she read a book that said they fed off of dead organisms, like fish.

She shuddered at the thought.

As she approached the dim blue glow of Octavia's favorite place, Carter's heart lept into her throat. Please be here, please be here...

When she rounded the corner she was only greeted by the butterflies. Octavia wasn't there.

"Dammit!" Carter hissed in frustration. On the Ark, Carter very rarely felt the emotions of concern and anxiety, yet on the Earth, anyone she got close to always managed put themselves in danger and those unusual feelings will be the first to make an appearance.

Maybe this is what it's like to be Finn, she mused.

Snapping herself back to reality, Carter decided on jogging back so she could deliver the news quicker. They needed to act fast if they wanted a high chance of finding Octavia. The second she made it back to camp, she was greeted with the sight of the Hundred arming themselves with weapons, all looking excited and ready to go.

Cautiously, Carter walked up to Bellamy's side. "She's not there." Bellamy bit his lip and looked down at her words. That meant she really was out in the woods, vulnerable to Grounder attacks. "What's going on?"

"We're getting ready to look for her." Bellamy replied, his voice was back to it's usual deep gruffness. "I was supposed to protect her," He muttered under his breath. Carter looked down at the weapons on the floor when a sudden thought sparked. Quickly, she ran into the tent she now shared with Clarke and grabbed the weapon she made a few days back.

"Bingo." She grinned, grabbing the bow and a bundle of arrows. She darted back to Bellamy and held her weapon up with a small smile. "I'm ready."

"For what?"

"I'm coming with you." She shrugged, frowning. She thought it was pretty clear.

"No." Bellamy spoke far too quickly. "Uh," he trailed off as he tried to think of an excuse for her not to come. Telling her the truth was not an option. He felt that stupid feeling to protect her again, and it was starting to get too big to ignore. "There's enough already."

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن