The only one

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After cheerio practice, I spot someone in a Dalton blazer sitting on the bleachers as I'm leaving the field.

"You know it's kinda creepy just sitting here by yourself, watching girls" I yell up to him

"Maybe but it was the only time I could get one girl to talk to me" he calls back walking down the steps

"Don't you ever get sick of driving all the way here just for me to yell at you again and leave?"

"Kind of but this time I actually have a reason," he tells me with his hands in his pockets taking a seat on the last riser in-front of me

"And what's that Sebastian?" I sighed sitting next to him

"To make sure you're okay"

"You texted me before I even knew the ad existed so nice try"

"Fine the ad was a convenient excuse but-"

"But nothing" I interrupt him "Sebastian we agreed that nobody should know what happened between us. Which is ironic because even I don't know what did at this point" I stand up with my duffle bag thrown over my shoulder "so please stop showing up here" just as I'm about to leave he grabs my hand "and stop doing that" I groan whipping my head around to look at him

"I never agreed," he says standing in front of me not letting go of my hand

"Yeah well, you played along" I whisper realizing how close he pulled me into him. I look up to meet his eye and his nose almost touches mine. I take in a shaky breath as he leans in.

I'm going to regret this but I lean into meeting him halfway. It's like a magnetic force when we are together. When our lips touch they just mold together so effortlessly. Suddenly we aren't in Lima, Ohio but in Paris, France in our school's library where we had our first kiss. Everything just melts away when I'm with him and I hate that I fall into it so easily. He brings the hand he is holding around his neck before letting go and wrapping his now free hand around my waist. I wrap my other hand around his neck and lace my fingers through his hair. We stay like this for a while lips moving perfectly in sync before we pull apart reluctantly for air. He brushes some of my hair behind my ear before coming close to whisper.

"Now tell me you haven't missed that"
Okay so maybe I did. But I wasn't going to let him know that. Unwrapping my self from him I pick up the bag he had shrugged of my shoulder while we were kissing.

"We are each other's competition now, so this will not happen again and I can't see you again until after I crush you at sectionals so please just stay away"

"That's going to be hard for me Baby girl" that nickname used to make me weak in the knees but now it's just annoying.

"I'm not your baby" I yell back at him as I make my way to Johnny Castle.

When I got home I was exhausted, I hid in my room for most of the night and did homework until mom called me downstairs for dinner.
We were all quiet for the first 10 minutes of dinner. I could feel my family's eyes on me to the point I drop my fork letting it clatter against my plate while I stare back at them.

"What?" I come out with

"Nothing sweetie we are just worried" my mom reaches to hold my hand but I pull it away

"We are going to handle this don't worry" my dad insists

"No you don't have to worry I already took care of it. How about you worry about your son who forcibly outed one of my best friends to her family and now because of him my second family get to find out this huge part of who I am on tv" I take my napkin off my lap and throw it on my plate "thank you for that big brother" I smile insincerely, walking over to my mom and kissing her head "thanks for dinner mom but I'm not very hungry anymore"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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