Tonight Pt. 1

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Everyone had been working their butts off all day to get ready for the opening night. Even Blaine which how he doesn't have a killer hangover I don't know. Once again Artie and I were fighting about lighting and my camera placement. So now I have to walk around during the musical and get close-ups and different shots so the video isn't stiff for the families. Well, it will get my mind off of the blurry memories of the fight Sebastian and I had; well I more had it with my self. But he was there and I was airing my differences so I don't sound crazy.

The curtain was up in 5 minutes. Blaine and Rachel were doing there makeup and Artie was starting to freak out a little. So Ms. Pillsbury called me over to calm him down (since we were best friends before I left). But as I walked past Rachel and Blaine I heard them talking about something I would have been fine! not hearing.
"Just so you know, Your Maria has disappointed you. I'm still a virgin" Blaine sighed and told her,
"And your Tony has disappointed you" and I gag making them look up at me in their mirrors
"Did you both try to sleep with my brothers on the same night and get rejected?" I shiver and disgust before walking away trying to get that image out of my head.

Artie was panicking saying it was all wrong when I reached him so I quickly grabbed his hands
"Hey look at me" he sighed before doing so "this show is perfect. It will go on without a hitch and amaze the audience." He smiled at me and I returned it "so calm down and be the amazing and inspirational director I know you are" I kiss him on the cheek as Puck shows up behind me.
"Dude we got a problem" I groan before Santana comes and gives Artie flowers. Artie reaches for my hand as everyone else gathers around and Artie gives an amazing speech for our show circle making me smile the whole time.
"Chief may I do the honors?" Puck asks and Artie agrees "let's kick some ass!" He yells out as we all lift our hands and laugh.

We clear out as the show will start any minute and I start running like a chicken with its heads cut off. Suddenly worried that the cameras aren't on. When I check the last one I sigh checking my watch we've got two minutes. I head to find my seat passing the warblers on my way smiling and waving at me. I do the same until I see Sebastian, Immediately dropping my smile. Making my way to my seat next to Mr. Shue when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Look an apology is what you're looking for you are sadly mistaken because I was in the right for everything I said last night" without looking at who it was picking the show ballad that was reserving my seat.

"Wow, I feel bad for whoever pissed you off" that voice! I know that voice! Turning on my heel I'm met with a sight for sore eyes.
"JJ! God I've missed you" I throw my arms around him, nearly making him fall over as he laughs at me
"It hasn't been that long; barely two weeks actually but I missed you too"
JJ has only left two weeks before me but it was torture those final weeks sitting in my dorm alone.
"What are you doing here?" I finally pull back from our hug but keep my hands on his shoulders like I'm scared he's going to vanish.
"I transferred to Dalton my dad's alumni. Hey did you know that Sebastian's here?" I look down and he knows why "he's the one you expected to come looking for an apology" when I don't lift my head he continues "well he should be apologizing too you. He was a jerk for what he did so to get your mind off of him you're coming to a party at Dalton and I can guarantee that with the whole school there you won't have a run-in with him"

"That actually sounds great" I laugh softly as the light in the auditorium dim "we should take our seats but I'll be there" he grins
"Great!, that's great alright" he exhales "ill see you there"

The musical goes off without a hitch just like I told Artie it would. There's a standing ovation after every number. I've gotten some pretty great shots that he should be proud of too. The memories of Paris and last night rage through my mind as we reach one of my favorites, yet most painful numbers.

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