Better than Ever

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"That was easily the best performance we've ever done!" Santana tells us grabbing Britney and I's hands and I reach for Quinns

"yeah it was. It reminded me of how it used to be" I smile looking at all of the hands

"and how it will be from now on," Britney says "the unholy quad is back" she tries it out and we all grimace

"Let's stick with trinity" Quinn laughs as JJ finds us once more.

"That was amazing!" he cheered handing Quinn and me the drinks he originally went off to find.
"if Dalton wasn't an all-boys school I would steal you for the warblers" another warbler comes up putting his hand on JJ's shoulder before speaking.

" I mean uniform skirts and that number? We would have a worse sex riot then when they originally did that number" we all look down at the floor or find our drinks very interesting all of the sudden. Before the warbler laughs
"I'm just kidding girls" he stops speaking for a moment "actually I'm not some of these boys are very sexually frustrated," he says pretty even toned before going back to drinking whatever's in his black cup.

"Nick here is just kidding" my favorite Warbler who I still don't know the name of tells us joining out the little group. "he's had a lot to drink and the nights begun" he laughs sticking his hand out "I'm Thad"

I take his hand smiling "its nice to finally put a name to the ball of sunshine that stands before me" and he looks down as a light blush covers his cheeks.

"What did I say, boys? Aurora Hudson always flatter. She even made our little Thad blush and he is the gayest of the gay" I groan as Sebastian and a few of his (I'm assuming friends) come over. I'm about to defend Thad and he seems to notice because he waves my efforts off

"No honey, he is right. I like boys like JFK liked Marylin. And you got me to blush just by calling me a toddlers nickname" That makes Santana chuckle

"Is that what they teach you, boys? To make political references when talking to girls"

"Well technically, it's also a pop culture reference" Quinn points out and I concur with her and Britney just looks at us weird

" it's weird when you two don't hate each other  it's been too long I got used to the other way."  Britney says and Thad looks at us confused pointing between us

"you two didn't get along?" he asks and Santanna, Quinn and I all start to explain

"Nope they were at each other's throats as long as they could be until Quinn's stomach got in the way" you can guess who said that
"I was her brother's girlfriend"
"and my boyfriend was the father of her baby. Who was adopted by my brother's new girlfriends birth mom"

They look at us shocked.
"Well that's complicated," Thad said simply and me and Quinn laugh
"You have no idea," we both say

"It gets even more complex when she tells you the whole story" Sebastian blurts out causing me to glare at him "but that's for another day" he adds siping on his whiskey no doubt.

"Whiskey right?" I ask pointing to his cup "another story for another day of course" I say snarkily when he nods "is how Sebastian here almost got arrested for breaking into our headmistresses office to steal her just barley 75-year-old bottle of whiskey"

"But weren't you the one who wanted to sneak up to the roof?" JJ asks and the girls look at me in a mixture of shock, disbelief and Santana just looks proud.

"Okay so maybe it was my idea to go up to the roof but!" I exclaimed pointing my finger accusingly "it was your idea to invite the whole floor and it accidentally turned into a party. When all I wanted to do was watch a movie"

"Hey, the party wasn't my fault blame Missy!"

"Really? you're blaming your girlfriend who isn't here about a party that was 100% you're doing"  Sebastian scoffs looking at JJ who looks at him appalled.

"What the hell is wrong with you tonight?"

"You should've seen him earlier he was screaming at Rory in our school hallway," Santana tells him and I sneak a side glance at her. Great JJ doesn't know we aren't telling people about us. So he could very well tell everyone right now without realizing he outed our secret.

"Seriously? You're screaming at Aurora after what you did? what the hell do you have to scream at her about?" JJ practically interrogates him.
"And What did he do exactly?" Santana asks and the other girls both look at me. 

"Maybe we should go now," Thad whispers to the boys behind Sebastian.

"No, it's fine guys you can stay while I humiliate her. I mean no harm to you, right? Just a free show." He laughs "you want to know what I did?" What the hell was he going to tell them? He wasn't going to tell them the truth that's for sure "why don't you take a look" he pulls up a photo on his phone and Santana rips it out of his hands. (Photo at the top)
"I slept with her then left her the next morning without a word about what happened.. to her at least. I told the whole floor about what had gone down no pun intended of course" he says the first part slowly and arrogantly and the second part sarcastically.

I just look at him while Santana goes off and Britney and Quinn hold her back. How did he think of that so fast? When was that photo even from? Why does he still have it?.
When Britney drags Santana out of the room Quinn notices me in my trance and pulls me out with them. Britney takes Santana downstairs while Quinn takes me up a floor filled with empty classrooms.

"That's not what he really did is it?" And I just shake my head no. I was the first one Quinn told about the father of her baby I might as well tell her this.
"We were together for almost a year," I say sitting down on the marble floors still looking up at her.

"What happened?" She asks sitting next to me
taking my hand in hers

"He just up and left school one day only leaving a note and all it said was a basic goodbye. Nothing about where he was going or why."

"And you don't want your glee clubs knowing?" I shake my head no, once more "well that makes sense and your secret is safe with me" I smile at her leaning my head against her shoulder.

"When I was in Paris. It's the happiest I had been in a long time." I say softly hoping she didn't hear me. But she did

"Ever since you found out I was pregnant" she looks at me and I don't say anything but I can tell she can see it in my eyes. "Well, we are not letting this night end like this." She says after we're quiet for a few more. Standing up she reaches for my hand. "We are going to go back to McKinley and lay on the field like we used too"

Let's just say that the team that once roamed the halls in Cheerios uniforms and everyone parted like the Red Sea for them. It is back and better than ever.

Authors note
The last part was ridiculously long so I made this one a short one! The next two parts are going to be 1500 words to 2000 maybe? Idk but we will see!

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