How do we know Sebastian?

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After dropping Blaine off I go home to my first homemade meal in a year and a half even though it was just leftovers and some real-time to catch up with my brothers and tell each other about our days as we used too.
After my parents go and have a date which I said was fine because it's almost the weekend and I used to spend almost all my Sunday's with them anyway

"Wait you went to Puck for advice about your first time with Rachel because he has more experience he got a girl pregnant two years ago Finn" Kurt laughs
"And you do realize most of his experience is your ex-girlfriend hence getting a girl pregnant and your little sister" I laugh along with Kurt until
"Yeah I did and I asked him about condoms and he said and I quote "I don't know never used them"
They both look at me and I shrivel up in my seat on the couch
"what Noah lies! And why are we talking about this! A recruiter is coming to your game Friday!" Kurt and I cheered, crushing Finn in a hug.

"But don't do anything with Rachel she is my competitor I don't need a traitor in my own home," Kurt says while we are still hugging him and we die laughing "What? I'm serious" he defends himself
"Yes but you just ruined our sibling moment" Finn laughs
"At least it wasn't a moment with Blaine because he told him that it's on his bucket list to have relations on a dewy meadow of lilac with Taylor Laurent before he gets fat" I laugh even harder
"Okay! That was before I met him and I didn't ruin it it made the moment!" He defends himself once more
"Whatever you say bro" Finn recovers catching his breath clutching his stomach

After a while, Finn goes to do homework and Kurt and I decide to go get coffee at our favorite place The Lima Bean.
As we walk to go get in line I hear Blaine's voice and turn to Kurt but he's already spotted him with... of course Sebastian.
Kurt walls over and I follow a few feet behind him.
"Who's really great?" He asks as I stand next to him
"You are!" Blaine says quickly and nervously causing me too look at him weirdly
"Yeah he is a great brother," I say putting my hand on his arm

"Oh, this is Finn?" Sebastian says skeptically
"No this is Kurt, Sebastian this is my boyfriend who I was just talking about" Blaine introduces them
"Got it" Sebastian laughs and reaches to shake his hand
"Pleasure" Kurt speaks kind of cold and not entirely sincere like he usually is. Oh. Is he jealous? "And how do we know Sebastian?" He inquires turning to Blaine.

"We met at Dalton" Sebastian explains "at least Blaine and I did, That sister of yours" he points to me "well we met in Paris just a fair warning doll there's no Courvoisier here" he smirks sipping his coffee
"Still drink it like.... what would you say?" I place my thumb on the side of my chin to make it look like I was thinking before snapping "like mother's milk but I'm guessing you have a flask somewhere on you"

Kurt finally sits down next to Blaine grabbing onto his arm forcing me to sit next to Sebastian.
He looks at me next to him and smiles "say what are you guys doing tomorrow night?" And I think this can't be good.

Kurt looks at Blaine "well we're rehearsing for the school musical and then at bedtime we do a rigorous skin-sloughing regimen together over the phone" I cringe as he says it.

"And as sexy as that sounds"
"Trust me my rooms right next to his it's not" I snicker interrupting him and sip my coffee but he continues unfazed;
"What do you say we shake things up? Get you guys a couple of fake ids and we head over to Scandals in West Lima"

"I still have mine from Paris that JJ made us ill just pull out my accent and I'll be in, in no time"
"Where is my sweet little sister?" Kurt says confused
"Scandals? That's the gay bar" Blaine explains to either himself or Kurt I don't know which

"The last time I was there I met the man of my dreams on the dance floor" Sebastian smirks
"Oh, that's sweet are you still together?" That's when I realize whenever Kurt is possessive over someone or something he loves he's naive. Or I just know Sebastian well.
"I'm guessing they broke up 20 minutes later," I say without thinking that Blaine still believes we hated each other in Paris.
"You know me too well" he laughs
"No I don't I was just assuming you would return to your old ways once you were free" I snap but then see Kurt and Blaine looking at us weirdly "your face is going to be stuck like that"

Once over the shock of me snapping at them, Blaine finally answers Sebastian
"We would love to Sebastian thank you for the offer that's very nice of you but it's- that's- that's not our kind of thing"
But then my brother takes us by surprise "let's do it" followed by Blaine and I both saying "what"

"Yeah let's do it we have a lot of firsts to cross off our list," he says sweetly before he turns to Sebastian and continues coldly "we're in"
After a chorus of greats, I excuse myself
"sorry boys this has been fun but me and Santana made bets on how long it would take for Noah to show up at our door and if I'm going to win I have to make sure he is there in the next ten minutes because Finn will forget to tell me if he was"

"You've got to stop playing with his heart Rory, I may not be his biggest fan but he's still a person" Kurt speaks to me like I'm a five-year-old and am about to be put into the corner by there push over mom
"Hey it became fair game when he got my best friend who happened to be my big brother's girlfriend pregnant"

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