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Ryder's POV:

Derek and Stiles shifted into their wolves. Derek was jet black, soaking in all the color around him. Stiles, on the other hand, was pure white; he seemed like he was glowing. Yet, together, their colors were perfect. Derek's eyes were blue, reminded me of the
Pacific ocean; Stiles's eyes were Amber; they reminded me of honey shining in the sunlight. Of course, Derek's wolf was bigger than Stiles but not by much. Derek was a good 6 feet and 5 inches, and Stiles was about 6 feet. Matthew looked at them, a bit confused. Matthew made sure to make people feel inferior by down-talking them. He probably never has seen them in their wolf form or ever given them a chance to prove themselves.

"You think you 3 can take us 5!" He roared.

"Get ready to lose Matthew. I've been waiting so long to put you in your place!" Stiles shouted back.

Just being here has boosted his confidence. Derek knows how good of a fighter he is; he would do anything for Stiles. It's nice to see how Stiles shines when he's fearless.

"Can each of you take on 2 at once? I'm going for Matthew." I ask them.

"Of course, believe it or not, but the wolves he has with them are pretty weak." Stiles said, sounding exciting.

Matthew sent the other 4 wolves towards us. Stiles went to the left and rammed into 2 of them. Derek doing the same on the right side. I looked at Matthew. I had plans for him. I smirked at him. I ran to him and jumped over him. I did a flip and grabbed his fur and threw him across the ground. He got up and shook himself.

"How did it feel flying?" I laughed.

We ran towards each other again; he leaped over me, and I slid under.

"Are you really going to jump over me the entire time? I'm still a human." I asked him.

He stopped and looked at me. I looked at Derek and Stiles. They both only had 1 wolf left. I watched how Stiles was doing. They were bitting at each other, but Stiles got a hold of the wolf's neck. Stiles forced the wolf on the ground while his teeth were embedded in his neck. He shook his head, and the wolf whimpered out in pain. The wolf kept scratching at Stiles, but he wouldn't let go. I could see his mouth close tighter on the neck. Finally, the wolf bore its neck, showing that it had surrendered. I looked back at Matthew with a smirk. 3 of the 4 wolves were down. He shifted back to his human form.

"I'm not going to lose my pack, Ryder." I told me.

"The only thing you're going to lose is their respect. Keep your pack. I don't want them." I told him.

I knew he wasn't going to give up. I rotated my head, my neck cracked. I felt my tail grow. I kept it hidden. It's a surprise tool for later. We ran at each other once again, and he threw a punch. I ducked under his arm. Left undercut to the gut, set back, right cross to the face. He lost his balance for a bit. I pushed him, and he fell. I walked around him and then straddled him. I showed my tail and quickly stabbed him. My tail went away, and he pushed me off. Derek and Stiles shifted back and came to me. I laid on the floor, laughing.

"What did you just do?" His hand was on his neck.

He started at me with panic in his eyes. Derek helped me up. Stiles looked at me, confused. I was on the ground, yet I had no signs of a single hit on me. Matthew looked for his wolves; they were all on the ground in their human forms. I got up and fell again. I made the dosage stronger than usual. I watched as he kept trying to get up with a smirk.

"What did you do!?" He yelled.

I got down on my knees to make eye contact with him. I put my hands on the ground and leaned in real close.

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