chapter 33

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He just asked me to do something with him. I wasnt sure on how to answer tho. He had ignored me the past few days but still I couldnt help but feel something towards him.
I didnt know what to say. last time we hung out he shot someone.
"I promise you wont regret it" he says looking at me with hope.
"Ok" I answer hoping I made the right decision.
"Great, anything in particular you wanna do" he asks but I didnt know.
I felt a little embarrassed at not knowing anything. "You can pick" I say hoping he had an idea. "Ok, go put the tray in the kitchen I'll wash it up later. Let's go " he said. "Ok" I reply and go to the kitchen. I couldnt leave it on the side, I had to wash it up. I quickly did it and as I was drying he entered. I didnt know what to expect, I didnt do as he said but still a part of me feared leaving the tray. He didn't say anything though, he just waited till I had finished.
"Lets go" he said

We arrived after an hour car journey, in a small town. It was beautiful,  it laid on the edge of a lake which had clear blue water. The little houses looked so picturesque, I was amazed. "I thought we could go for a walk" he suggested looking nervous. "Of course, it's so nice here" I say as we get out of the car. "In glad you like it, I actually grew up in the town" he said and this information shocked me. The town was stunning but it didnt seem like the place he would live. "I wasnt always rich, I had a normal life" he states and reaches for my hand. I gladly let him hold my hand and we begin walking. "You have to take me on a tour" I say and he smiles "anything for you"

We took a tour of the town and had a walk along the lake front. I was really enjoying myself. We talked about nothing and everything.  I think I may like him alot.
"How about we stop and grab some late lunch it's already 2.30." He says bringing me from my thoughts of liking him alot more than a friend.  "Yes great idea"
We stopped at a small cafe by the lake and ordered lunch. "How are you liking today " he asks as we wait. "Its been really good" I reply and take a sip of my drink. "I'm glad, I hope we can do this more often, if u want that is" he said also drinking. We both had gotten a coke and order toasties. "I do want" I smile, i really like him. "I like you James" I couldnt not tell him this any longer. He knew I liked him but not how much. I had to tell him and for some reason I didn't feel scared anymore. "Harper I like you too" he says. "I really like you,I don't think I'm scared anymore" i say hoping he would get what I'm trying to say. He did.
"Harper be my girl"


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