His head tilted to the side as he burst into laughter.

I shook my head and asked, "So, do you plan on dating her?"

Judging from Grace's attitude and looks, I was certain she avoided heartbreak and games, which was the opposite of Chris who could also be called; HEARTBREAK.

"I really like her," He scratched his head, and pressed his lips together. "But, I'm not ready for any relationship, I just want to fuck."

"Thought as much, but seriously, if you ain't going to be down and sincere with her, I think you should back off."


"I don't know." I shifted on my seat, uneasy by my sudden interest in how she felt.

"Maybe I will just consider being serious with her," he said, with his hazel eyes deep in thought.

I pushed my chair back and stood. "I need to rest, today has been really stressful for me with Simi."


"So that's it for this year's joint meeting," Jason said. He was the owner of Zeus Infrastructure which focused on railway construction.

He folded a script and passed it to his chubby assistant in a black suit and packed hair, while we stood with smiles.

"Tomorrow is the dinner party, bring your wife's and those not married, your girlfriend, no one should try dragging mine," he said, and this caused an uproar in the board room.

"Yeah, we know," Kenneth my cousin who named his company Temi, after his wife and highschool sweetheart answered.

"How is your wife Kenneth?" I asked while we walked out of the white-painted boardroom.

He sighed and turned to me, his faced wrinkled with concern. "Heavily pregnant."

"What's up?" I asked, reading the worries that were clear from his tone and facial expressions.

"It's nothing, I'm just stressed with this pregnancy of a thing and taking care of Elvis," He explained.

Elvis was his five-year-old son that was born before Kenneth decided to tie the knot with Temi two years ago after much pressure from family members though.

We walked beside each other into the elevator. "I'm sorry bro, just take things easy, if you need to talk to someone, you know you can tell your elder brother," I said, pouching the numbers to the ground floor.

"Shut up, you just senior me with two days, two days Kunle," He fired.

"Two days is still something," I shrugged and watched him chuckled.

Seconds later, the elevator came to our stop and we stepped out. "I will drop by the house before leaving for Lagos."

"Sure thing, Temi will be happy to see you, just buy suya it's her thing now."

I nodded and watches him sauntered to his car parked at the far end of the parking lot.


I stood by the door and watched her walked to me in a sexy black dress that matched her seductive smile. She ran her hands down my body as I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her with passion.

I lifted her off her feet and she wrapped her legs around my waist, stroked my hair with her fingers, while our lips brushed and crashed in dynamic movement.

Breaking our tongue lashing kisses she looked into my eyes with love that made her pupil sparkled.

"I love you Kunle."

"I love you Grace, so much."

I jumped from my bed sweating and breathing heavily like a marathon racer, I could feel my cock pressed on my pyjamas.

"What the fuck." I ran my hands through my face and stood.

This was the first time I saw Grace in my dream, and the fact we kissed made it worst.

And simply unbelievable.

"What the mad fuck," I said, taking off my pyjamas and walking into the bathroom.

I turned on the cold shower, and closed my eyes, letting the water soothe me back to reality, but the scene of me, kissing my assistant flashed again and this sent sparks down my body.

I groaned.

When Last did you have sex? I thought, remembering Simi's question two days back.

Three months ago?

"Three months is not a long time nah, people stay years," I murmured.

But for a guy who had a sex demanding ex-fiancee, who demanded sex everyday, three months is a long time.

I groaned and walked out of the bathroom with dripping water on the floor.

I wiped my body with a towel and picked my phone.

4:00 am.

I exhaled and scrolled to my gallery, in hope something might pop up.

The first picture I tapped, was that of mum smiling in her white silk dinner gown, this won me a smile which brightened my grim face as memories of that day, flashed through my mind. 

Her plans were to storm into her best friend's party and steal the show. Turns out, aunty Maggi had a similar plan of wearing that same grown but a black version of it, the shock and desperation on her face had me tittered for day's.

I scrolled on to that of Simi staring at the sky, I remembered taking that picture in London, on a vacation that had us sparked and like any lover, I wanted every moment saved.

I tapped delete and did same with the rest of her pictures.

Fuck Simi, I thought, throwing the phone beside me on the bed.

With towel still wrapped around my waist, I laid face up and welcomed the call of nature with closed eyes.



Guy I swear I go pour you this drink if you do that thing again ---- I swear, if you do that again, I'm going to pour this drink on you.

Sister mi--- my sister.

Loving A Stripper (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now