~A broken French Confession~

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This is original because its from a dream I had so im hAppy

It was a day as usual & the two best friends were playing Minecraft. They weren't recording or anything of that sort, they just liked spending time together, just the two of them.

They had just built a cozy little house, which Bad insisted in building, & they were "sitting" in their Minecraft beds (that were not next to each other), giving each other ideas on what they could record together next.

It was all normal, there was a nice mood in the air. They both went silent just looking at the sky through the glass which they had added to the ceiling.

Well that was until Skep had an idea

(You see, the two boys had tried to learn some French so that they could communicate with a6d a little better. Or something of that sort ok? Ok.)

Skeppy interrupted the silence with a soft voice, putting effort into an accent. "Hey Bad, est-ce que je peux te dire quelque chose?" (Bad, can I tell you something?) (yes, I used Google translate in some of this, I haven't learnt that much French)

Bad looked at him, but Skeppy was still focused on the sky.

"ouias de quoi avez-vous besoin" (yeah what do you need). Bad had responded back with his broken French. A little confused as to why they were talking in French in the first place.

" Vien avec moi" (come with me.) that's all he said as he hoped off of his bed, & was heading to the door. Bad, a little confused, did the same & went after him.

He followed Skeppy into what seemed a garden-ish looking place. It had blue, red, and purple flowers. He hadn't been in this place but by the looks of it Skeppy had already been there. In the flowers there was a small pond & chickens swimming in it. Skeppy stopped walking Infront of what seemed an easy parkour area.

"faire le parkour" (do the parkour.) was what he said with the childish grin of his. The shorter boy stepped on the first block first & then to the next so that Bad could follow.

And he did.

In some of the parkour blocks there was signs, signs that said something which continued to the next. They were also in French.

He got to the first sign that was on the third block. It read "Je voulais te dire..." ( I wanted to tell you...)

Fifth block. "Quelque chose de très important..." (something very important...)

Sixth block. "C'est à propos de ce que je ressens envers toi" (It's about how I feel towards you.)

Skeppy was already at the last part of the parkour, but him himself couldn't make the jump so he was being playingly angry.

Eighth block. "Aujourd'hui aussi c'est ton anniversaire" ( also its your birthday)

Tenth block. "Je voulais attendre aujourd'hui pour te dire ça.." ( I was waiting for today to tell you that..)

Twelfth block. "c'est que je t'aime plus qu'un amie" (I like you as more than a friend.)

Skeppy did the last jump. Then he did a spin in the air while jumping off of the platform into the grass & flowers. He had a bow that didn't have an arrow, but something else, and he held it up waiting for bad to finish the parkour.

Fourteenth block was the last one. It only had a sign that said "Donc..." (so...)

He was flustered at this point. "Skeppy?" he said with a stutter. He looked down to were Skep was.

& then Skep shot what seemed to be a banner ( don't ask I don't even know either)

The banner was half red, half blue, with big black letters simply saying "Joyeux Anniversaire"

And it also in smaller letters said "will you be my boyfriend"

and after that they put their minecraft beds together.

YO i'm alive!!! Ok so this was from a dream I literally had today so sorry if it doesn't make sense. but uhhhh yEah

sorry if it was too short, i literally wrote this at 9am when i woke up from the dream because i feared that i would forget it T-T

i will write part 2 of questionable cuddles soon  i p r o m i s e

oke bye

SkepHalo Oneshots~🏳️🌈🍕🔰🔎🔍Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora