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(Wrote by Anonymous)

??? POV

Walking is fun. Especially when it's dark and misty and your listening to some good bops. Much fun. Any who, I'm walking because exercise and because I'm going to my ol pal Maxxy's house.

We're gonna have a movie night and watch PITCH PERFECT 1, 2 AND 3! COULD A NIGHT GET ANY BETTER?! The answer is no so don't try reasoning with me :)

I was halfway there and dancing on the sidewalk as some do and humming a tune. I can see the house in the distance and I start running.

Next thing I see is a bright light, it wasn't a car, no. It was something else, something a lot brighter than a car light, it's getting closer and I'm getting scared but I walk towards it.

Through that light I end up on a bed but it's not mine and two men are huddled around me. I don't recognize this room or these people. Who are they? One of them had bleach blonde hair parted down the middle and looked like he hadn't slept in a while... I swear I've seen him before but I couldn't figure it our. I'll call him Bleach Boy. The other man was a bit taller than Bleach Boy and had more facial hair he also looked like he hasn't slep-

"Ah good, you're awake" a doctor walked into the room. What does he mean by awake? Am I hurt? Why can't I talk? Why am I in a hospital?

"Can you tell me your name?" the doctor said. I shook my head, no.

"Can you tell me what you remember last?" I shook my head again.

"Are you able to speak" No...

"Okay, you are probably very confused and unaware of what happened. You were walking on the sidewalk and a car slid on some ice and just barely ran into you. You fell back and hit your head really hard, your skull was broken open and we are assuming you lost some of your memory"

Bleach Boy started crying.

"So... He doesn't remember me? Or us? Or anything else?" Bleach Boy said and moved away from me.

"No, we had to put him into a coma or else his brain was going to have some serious damages. Memory loss is the best thing that could've happened in this situation... and he can't talk because his vocal chords are very strained" Okay well that cleared up a lot of things, now I'm wondering who these people are again.

I looked at Bleach Boy, he looks at me and I know... I know him and I know he's a special part of my life and I want to know more.

Since I still can't talk, I mouth to him "Who are you?" and he comes over to me again.

"I'm Maxx" THE DREAM. "and this is Zach we're your best friends" he pulls the over man, named Zach over to me.

"And you, you're Cody... Cody Carson..."

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