Oh God, Oh Shit, Oh FUCK

268 19 38

A/N: I though I was late with this, but nah I was actually late with the last chapter, I'm actually on time with this one


"Ahhhh! I'm so excited! South is coming today! Oh, I can't wait! What am I wearing today? It's been so long since we've seen each other, I can't believe it's been a year!"

"Long time, how did you two Eve survive without each other?" Kiwi asked sarcastically. She sat on her bed with one leg folded up and the other dangling, foot just above the ground.

"I know! It amazes me too sometimes. But I guess the good relationship stays strong, huh?"

"I wouldn't really know. Haven't ever been in one."

"That's true. Hey! Did you want me to, maybe, set you up with someone? I'm pretty good at matchmaking."

"No thanks. The bloodline ends with me. And Australia. And America, actually. Heck, Canada too. Wow, I guess meré and Pops aren't getting any granchildren anytime soon."

"Aw. That's too bad. Well, if you're into girls, that's fine too!"

"To be honest, not sure what I'm into. People, I guess, but most people are too infuriating. You're cool, I guess, but guys are usually pricks, and girls don't like me."

"Maybe neither? Maybe someone non-binary? Oh! Maybe you're ace!"

"Hmm, maybe. Who knows? All I know, is I'm not gonna try to label it. If I get close enough to someone, sure, but until then, I don't really see anybody who could be 'that person' for me."

"That's fine. But, if you ever want my help, offer's on the table."

"Thanks Japan."

"Hey, girls, I'm coming in!"

America opened the door that was left ajar and walked in.

"Glad to see you two are getting along. Japan, the plane will be landing at the airport soon, and we should get going now if we want to be on time to pick them up."

"Oh! You're right, let me grab my purse, and we can go!"

"Awesome. I'll be waiting outside."

Japan hummed in acknowledgement. She went to the bathroom to retrieve her purse and met America outside the door. The elevator ride down was smooth and they walked out to face the brisk air once again. America hailed another taxi for them, and they got in the back.

"So, you excited to see your boooyyyyfriiieennnd??"

"You. Shut mouth," Japan glared playfully.

"Whaaaat? You know you love me," he teased.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Of course I'm excited. It's been so long."

"Oh I'm sure. You guys survived on nothing but video chats and sappy heart emojis, I bet."

"Oh screw you!"

"Honey, you wish. Gay, remember?"

"Pff, as if that changes the fact that you're single."

"Ouch, Japan, low blow," he chuckled.

"Seriously, though! I wish you'd let me find you someone to date! I met a lot nice men in Japan that I think you'd like. They're not all Japanese, although I'm sure that's not a problem for you. Lot of different races and ethnicities have graced Japan, you know. I can set you up with whatever type you like."

"Sounds tempting. I'll pass for now, but I'll keep your offer I mind. And like I said, I'm not looking to be in a relationship right now."

"That's some horse shit if I've ever heard it," came a gruff, accented voice from the front seat.

America frowned while Japan giggled.

"That's a tip for you, guy, you're funny," America chuckled.

The driver just nodded in thanks.

"Well, see that just settles it: Ame-kun. You need a boyfriend. And why not? You deserve one. You're smart and funny and cute." Japan leaned forward in her seat, "pardon me, sir, would you date him?"

The driver looked in his rearview at America, before looking back at the road.

"Sure, if he had a pair of size D breasts and my wife's face, sure."

"See?" Japan said, like that proved anything.

America grimaced.

"Yeah, a real confidence booster, Japan."


America and Japan were the ones to be picking up the newcomers from the airport. The rest stayed back at the hotel, but would probably roam the city for a bit while they waited.

Japan insisted on holding up the sign on which was written, "SOUTH KOREA," but she kept jumping with excitement and making it wave around. It dropped a few times too, but America knew she was just really excited.

"Hey, chill girl. He's coming, he's coming, you don't need to beat the poor sign about it."

"Oh shut up. If you had someone you loved that you haven't seen in a years, you'd probably be like this too. Trust me, we're the same, stupid-with-love, fools."

"I can't believe you're quoting Mean Girls at me, of all pe--"


Japan shouted so loud, poor America winced and rubbed his ear. He caught the sign Japan threw away as said nekomi ran up to her lover, and engulfed him in a giant bear hug. Er...cat hug? Either way, she was squeezing the life out of her poor boyfriend. And he could only bend to her will, as well as his spine. But he hugged back with as much force and only pulled away to pepper her fuzzy white face in kisses.

"I missed you! Mmmm!"

"I missed you too, 'Pan."

"Hey South, good to see you!"

Upon seeing America, South's face switched from pure joy and excitement, to one that expressed uneasiness and anxiety. America's smile dropped at his reaction, and his arm halted in mid-air.

"Heheh, what's with that face?" America chuckled

"Hey, where's your sister? You said she'd be with you," Japan said, looking past SK to look for said Countryhuman.

"Hey, if you're worried about me and your sister, it's alright, I'm way past that. I'll be cool with her."

"Yeah, no, I trust you, it just. Um, about that, she's here! She just, uhh...fuck. She brought someone along."



Japan's exclamation cut short brought the other two's attention to the frowning woman who was rolling her suitcase with her head held high.

And with her, shocking Japan into silence and causing America to loose his breath - and not in a good way - was the one and only, Russian Federation.

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