chapter 4 : lady love

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Coral was enjoying the whole lecture, new school , new day , everybody was nice to her, maybe she will make some new friends. Lila on the other hand was trying to get her attention, so she could get near to adrien again. Marinette was thinking about the new girl the whole lecture, she should be one of adrien's model friends , the way she was with adrien , she should be his best friend or haaa.....girlfriend, realising she shrieked "noooooooooo......." , the whole class looked towards her, she realised she shouted it too loud, miss. Bustier was teaching history, she was asking a question and waiting for the answer, and marinette at that moment shouted.

"Hmm....right marinette, the answer is no, yes indeed Jean-Jacques Rousseau was the father of french revolution , not voltaire, well done marinette, but the next time you answer please raise your hand, good", miss.bustier replied, she turned her attention towards the textbook and started reading.

Marinette nodded, completely unaware that she had flukely told the answer, this time she was saved by an coincidence, but she could not stop thinking about adrien, he already liked kagami, why would he go towards her. The bell rang it was afternoon breaktime, all the students ran to the cafeteria, coral sat with adrien, there was a buzz of fans around her, marinette ignored and sat alone in the table with alya,
"Wow, can you believe , coral is going to study with us in our class, omg".
"So whats the big deal?" , marinette replied carelessly.
"You seriously dont know who she is , right?", alya questioned.
"I dont even want to " , " now if you excuse me , i want to use the restroom", saying that she stormed off the cafeteria and went to restroom. Alya was stunned by marinette's sudden disbehaviour.

After some time, the crowd around coral decreased and adrien went to keep his dish , she was all alone, lila saw this as an opportunity to talk to her, she quickly made her towards her and started talking in her sweet voice to grab her attention,

"Hello coral, omg , i am one of your biggest fans, oh, i love your beret, its so cute and your fashion sense is amazing, after all you belong to the agreste's , anyways i am lila , we can be friends".

"Uh...uhmmm, thanks?, lila", coral replied .

"Anyways , i am also a great friend of adrien , so we can be good friends, and you dont even have friends at dupont, be with me, i am not like the other losers here, i have way more class"

Adrien caught a glance of his sister talking with lila, he quickly went and grabbed her hand,
"Coral, if you want to make friends, tell me, dont go around and talk to liars, lila you better not manipulate coral", adrien shouted.

"A-adrien , we were having a nice conversation, weren't we coral?, lila replied.
Coral understood that her brother didnt want her to talk with lila, she motioned adrien to stop and let her talk two minute with lila.
"So you are great friends with adrien , you said, it doesnt seem to be, it looks like you are using me for him, you look indeed a liar", coral said with a smirk.

"Hmmph, so you are not dumb like others, dont be smart around me, i dont care if you are a model or something,you mess with me , i will make your life a trouble", lila cunningly showed her true colours.

"Try me " , coral replied savagely and turned towards adrien, flipping her hair onto lila's face.
Lila's face immediately dropped, she gave coral a cunning glare, "you picked the wrong fight, wait until i make your life a living hell", she muttered to herself, she turned around and immediate bumped into mirelle*.
*=(Mirelle is a character shown in stormy weather in first season , first episode, she was the winner of best weather girl contest)
"Watch where you're going , idiot!", lila blurted, seeing due to bumping to her mirelle dropped a letter, from her hand, she was going to pick the letter, but lila picked before her, she opened the letter and started reading,
"Hmph, a love letter! , let me read it", lila muttered, mirelle stood there helplessly, she could not do a thing, as lila read the letter, her eyes widened as she read.

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