Dr. Robotskeez

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Y/n's P.O.V

Once I got back downstairs, I saw my dad looking outside. Some weirdo was looking around our front yard. My dad decided to call out to him.

"Hello there! Can I help you?"

The weirdo stood up and started walking up to our house.

"Good morning, my rural chum. I'm...from the power company, investigating the blackout. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a few readings, inside your house?"

"No kidding. You're from the power company? You must know my buddy Spencer, we play softball together."

"Ah! Spence. He's a good man."

I knew my dad was lying to this guy to make him look like an idiot. I couldn't help the little smirk forming on my face.

"Yeah! Come on in."


"Take all the readings you need! Except, uh..."

The weirdo started to walk into our house but my dad and I blocked him.

"Doesn't the power company usually take their readings from outside the house? That way they can check them even if you're not home. Also, my buddy Spencer works for the gas company, and he's more of an Ultimate Frisbee guy, so you wanna tell me why you think I'm dumb enough to just let you walk inside my house?"

I saw the weirdo put one of his hands behind his back. He was up to something and I didn't like whatever it was. But I couldn't start acting weird now because he would know that we're hiding something.

"I'm sorry, mister...."

"Wachowski. But everyone calls me Tom. Except my dentist, he calls me Tim. But it's gone on for so long now that it would just be weird if I corrected him."

"Well, Tom, Whose-dentist-calls-him-Tim. You may have noticed that this entire town has been experiencing a power outage."

I rolled my eyes at the weirdo as he tried peaking into our house. This guy was a real nut job. I decided to put in my own smart remark.

"Really? I never would have guessed. I never noticed that there were no lights anywhere."

The weirdo glared daggers at me but looked back up at my dad.

"Twenty minutes ago, I tracked an energy pulse with a similar signature to the one that caused that disruption."

My dad and I looked at each other, both extremely confused, even though I knew exactly what this guy was talking about. Sonic's portal must have given off that pulse.

"Listen, uh, Mr...."

"Doctor. Dr. Robotnik. But my dentist calls me Rob."

"Hmm. Look, uh, Dr. Robotskeez.... Um... I'm sure what you're here for is very serious, but it's got nothing to do with me or my daughter. You can ask anyone in town. Everyone knows me."

Dr. Robotnik scoffed at my dad.

"I bet they do. I'm sure you're hella popular with the Jebs and Merls and Billy Bobs in this glorified gas station rest stop. Bet you go way back to the days of tipping cows and playing in a jug band!"

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