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Y/n's P.O.V
I was falling off a building, the Transamerica Pyramid to be exact, reaching for the blue blur above me. It felt like time was moving in slow motion as I watched the blur slowly disappear from in front of me.

'How did this even happen?'

That was a good question. How did this happen? I thought back to the beginning, trying to make sense of my current situation. I mean the very beginning.

~Ten Years Ago~

I have lived in Green Hills for as long as I can remember. I live with my dad, Tom Wachowski, and my mom, Maddie Wachowski. We also have our lovely little pupper, Ozzy.

Today, my dad was throwing a party to celebrate my birthday. However, I was a very curious child, so once the adults weren't cooing over me and singing for me, I made a run for the forest around our house. It was pretty late, but little me didn't care about the dark.

I was expecting this little adventure of mine to be not so eventful, but I ventured a bit further than I should of. I heard a voice yelling in the woods.


I wandered closer to the voice and saw some kind of blue creature. I couldn't tell what it was, but it looked really sad. I could hear it panting and it seemed like it was going to cry. I was a bit hesitant, but seeing it sad made me want to comfort it.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

The blue creature turned around, gasping as it saw me. It was so small and fluffy. It had shining emerald eyes that looked mesmerizing in the moonlight.

"My name is Y/n. Who are you?"

The blue creature seemed less panicked at my words, but it was also hesitant to speak.

"I-I'm Sonic."

"What happened, Sonic? Are you okay?"

I slowly approached Sonic. He took a small step back, but didn't run away from me. I crouched down to his height as I reached him, but he still didn't run.

"I- You weren't supposed to find me. I'll have to leave again like Longclaw said to."

"I won't tell anyone about you. I pinky promise."

I put out my pinky to Sonic. He seemed confused and tilted his head.

"Don't you know what a pinky promise is? We put our pinkies together and it makes a promise."


Sonic wrapped his tiny pinky around mine, looking at me directly. I smiled at him, but unfortunately it didn't last long.

"Y/n?! Where are you, Sweetie?!"

I heard my dad calling for me. I heard Sonic gasp again and when I turned to look at him, he was gone. I felt a breeze move behind me. I looked at my pinky and back at the forest as I heard bushes moving behind me.

"Y/n! There you are! Daddy was so worried about you."

I looked up at my dad with a mix of emotions. I was confused and sad that Sonic ran away. I started to cry as my dad lifted me into his arms.

"Hey, it's okay, Sweetie. I got you. Let's go home and go night night, okay?"

I wiped my tear filled eyes and nodded to my dad. He looked really worried and held me closely as he carried me home.

~Ten Years Later~

I was sitting in my room in the attic, drawing in my sketchbook. I always drew the same creature. He looked like a blue hedgehog. I drew him in all kinds of poses.

I felt like I knew him, but I couldn't remember. There was no way I knew a blue hedgehog. The only blue creature in Green Hills is Crazy Carl's Blue Devil. Nobody even believed that it was real.

Crazy Carl has tried to ask me about my drawings, claiming that I keep drawing the Blue Devil. However, my dad keeps me as far away from Crazy Carl as possible. Since my dad is the sheriff of Green Hills, that's not too hard for him.

My friends question my drawings all the time. My drawings are also the reason that a lot of people think I'm also a crazy weirdo. I never know how to explain my drawings. I didn't even know where this character came from myself.

Today I was going to go see my friend Sam play baseball. He begged me to come watch him and my mom agreed to take me to the game. I was drawing in some finishing details and remembered that I never named this character.

It was weird though. I felt like he already had a name. I tried so hard to remember this name that never existed. That was when the attic stairs were pulled down.

"Y/n, are you ready to go to Sam's game?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

I closed my sketchbook and left for the field with my mom. I was excited to see Sam play. He told me that he was gonna win this game for sure.

When we got to the field, the game was just beginning. We walked to the bleachers, but I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like It was gone so fast that I thought I was seeing things.

While I was watching the game, my mom got a call. When she was done with it, she sighed and looked at me.

"That was your dad. I guess there's an emergency with a dog and he needs me right away. You have your phone, so call me when the game is over and I'll come get you, okay? Mommy loves you."

"I love you too."

I watched my mom leaving, feeling disappointed that I was left alone. I guess that's just how it is. My parents are important to the people of Green Hills. I shook off my disappointment and cheered for the team Sam was on.

I watched as Sam got a home run and his team ran over to lift him up and cheer for him. The game was over now and I couldn't get ahold of my mom. I sighed and watched as people left.

I got out my sketchbook from my backpack that I brought with me to the game because who wants to pay for snacks at a baseball game? It's not cheap. I flipped through the pages, looking at all of my drawings of the mysterious hedgehog.

It was starting to get late, so the lights over the field turned on. I sighed and started a new drawing.

I didn't get too far into it when I heard a sound. It sounded like something was running. I looked up and saw that same blue blur from before. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head.

It was gone. Maybe I was turning crazy? I heard a car pull up to the field.

I turned to see my mom waving out of the driver's side window.

"Sorry I took so long, Sweetie. I had your dad go pick up a pizza. Let's get home before he does."


I put my sketchbook away, looking out to the field once more. Nothing. I carried my backpack with me and got into the car, making my way home.

Luckily, we did beat my dad home. I ran inside to put my stuff back in my room. My mom decided to grab the mail before coming inside after me.

Once we finished our tasks, we sat in the kitchen waiting for my dad to come home.

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