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My abhi ka geef(cuz you goofy asf) got me to watch Elite recently and I've been binging the shit out of it. Thanks a lot asshole, Elite is going to be the reason I fuck up my mocks.

But man....... it's so worth it tbh. Despite not finishing all of Elite yet I can easily say it's one of the best shows I've EVER seen. It's that goood. Watching a little bit of it unfocused at a friend's house, the impression I got was that it was just going to be some good show with teen drama with a lot of tropes and it kind of is, but at the same time, it's so much more than that and you immediately get that impression from the first or second episode. It's also a lot deeper than just a clash of the rich and the poor.

At first the characters do seem a little tropey. Guzman, Christian, Nadia and Lu for example, but you'll find that the character work is pretty saucy and I'm not just talking about the sex. The relationship of a gay drug dealer Omar and Ander is actually pretty well written and WOWWWWW it becomes a lot more complex in Season 2. Carla and Polo also have a really intriguing relationship which becomes a three way relationship involving Christian.Even if it's fricken ajeeb there's also depth in Marina and Nano's moments. This actually ends up being crucial for the plot and links into the murder mystery of Season 1. Really ends up being a lot more than a lusty n' damaged relationship. It's not just the romantic ones that have a lot of depth into them. Bonds like the ones of Samuel and his brother Nano, Guzman, Polo, and Ander also have a lot of depth.

Generally each character in the show have a lot of depth and they all feel and are significant to the overall plot since the different subplots mainly affect the overall plot and it does so perfectly. Every character and every scene exists for a reason including the parents of the show. A lot of them do definitely be wildin'. Wildin' indeed. There's no nonsense with Elite. 3 new characters that are introduced in season 2 are also fucking amazing and each have their roles in the story.

I also love the format of both seasons. Season 1 revolves around a murder and there are scenes of questioning which tends to end with a twist but the context is immediately shown after the questioning unless it's at the end of the episode. Never leaves you hanging for too long which I find to be a bit unique of Elite? Not sure really it's just something I noticed a lot. Season 2 is also killer with it's structuring. It's even better than season 1. Samuel goes missing in season 2 and each episode swaps between pre and post missing Samuel scenes while also having it's questioning scenes and scenes of the search. Like season 1, season 2 has A LOT of absolute HOTICIOUS twists to it and my favorite thing about season 2 is how everything comes together at the end PERFECTLY, down to the names of each episode. It felt satisfying, it was that good. 

Season 1 was amazing, but man season 2 was Nut bustingly perfect. Change a little  bit of the ending and it would have been a great ending for the show but now we have season 3 which is apparently the best season and I can just imagine it being better than fucking season 2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'm so hyped.

Here are some other things I like about Elite. Scenes are really great at achieving what they want to. Emotional scenes are touching, intense scenes make you feel the T E N S I O N(not talking about the sex), and the sense of mystery is succulent. This is done with amazing camerawork, music, songs, acting, lighting, aesthetic and a lot more. I could honestly write hundreds of words on so many of the scenes, the effect and importance they have and what the scenes wanted to achieve and also how it made me feel but I'm not the best at speaking my mind.

Yaar there is so much more I wanted to write in this chapter from the things I've already talked about to a lot of other things I wanted to say but bas yaar it be like that. Even so I wanted to write more. So tell me bro mans, was this an alright mini-review on Elite? Sure it was incomplete and I have left out SO much but otherwise did I do at least a servicable job on articulating my words well? I hope I made sense. I think season 3 will be so good I'll end up having no words for it. I'm ending this by saying this: WATCH ELITE RIGHT FUVKING NOW AND WATCH IT IN SPANISH OTHERWISE DON'T BOTHER

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