Rage awakened

22 4 11

Worst day of my life. Got fucking pounded on by two pieces of garbage(in truth they are my friends but they sure do have a toxic side) on a call who made fun of me for some shit so obviously I left and I was really salty about the entire thing and they probably knew. To prove my point about it I sent a message on a private group only for one of those motherfuckers to leak it on a more public group. This leads to further fisting of my asshole as those two shitheads have a laugh about it along with the people online in that chat.

And it happens because I'm the very calm guy who takes things very lightly. So I have to deal with people's bullshit because I'm the dude who never loses his temper but that's treated as if I never get angry. I'm not immune to emotion. Far from it but sometimes I'm just not taken seriously, even when I get mad.

Clearly this means I have to reevaluate my "chillness" so people know that certain jokes are out of the question.

Got the biggest headache of my life. I hate everything right now

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