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To start off, I'm not talking about Paper Fart and the Slaver but damn it's going too far wtf. Our school is filled to the brim with these girls who act like white girls and I can't stand it. They ironically say shit like "Mood" and use their stupid white girl specific emojis. They are in the same grade as I am in and they are god awful people. Irritating to an extreme. Like there's this one that says,"LOL" and, "MEH" out loud. WHAT IN THE OBAMA'S SHIT WHO SAYS THAT OUT LOUD?

I think one of them used to like me in that way around 4 years ago or something because she messaged me something unusual after this party. The thing is, that message went to this other spam kind of thing on my Facebook because she wasn't my friend? So I never saw it until almost a month later. The worst part is I didn't even open the message. I just left it there to be unseen forever. Actually, these other 2 people she started to like around 2-3 years ago hate her too so I'm not the only one

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