Know me better chids

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Lets answer these lol

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Lets answer these lol. I saw it on a thread on Twitter and the guy is pretty much my clone, his answers are quite similar to mine:

1. Family calls me Nylo.

2. I don't know. 5 something that's for sure.

3. Brown

4. Black

5. A brother

6. Nah but my friends may doubt that.

7. Not currently. I'm extremely picky about that stuff

8. In a loving relationship with water

9. Heterohecksual

10. Nothing in particular

11. Chums because I get some banging stuff after each haircut

12. Drowning, heights and any stripy buzzy insect

13. Both. At times, I have a phase where I like one more than the other but usually both

14. Don't really have one? Was never one to fall for celebs

15. Uppar par oye

16. I don't really know? Someone who can be ridiculous like me I guess.

17. A barely noticable one on my face from a life threatining car accident. Used to have this one on my knee that was shaped exactly like an egg for like 5 years

18. Multiple

19. Tbh like 2 days ago

20. I give a million chances depending on the person

21. None, but many fascinate me

22. I'm not much of a sports guy, can't answer. I'm glad a number of my friends aren't as well

23. Black and white

24. I love a bunch of them

25. Haven't thought about it. Parents is my quickest answer

26. I'm not happy to admit it but a little bit, yes

27. My biggest wish is for myself and everyone I know to be happy. I'm sick of tension and stress, it makes me sad

28. To die the way I am. I want to improve as a person when I die

29. The rubber ones

30. Autotune dog

31. None. I'd never wear a tattoo even if I wasn't a Muslim but they look good. I'd never wear piercings either

32. abrahambiabani

33. You already asked this ya melt

34. My generosity and kindness towards people

35. My desire to hurt someone and cross the line if insulted. I can also act like a dick towards my friends. There's so much more but I can't write it all

36. My uncle. He was the only uncle I liked from my dad's side. I'm not too close to the others

37. I don't really know but I don't want to live my entire life here in Pakistan

38. 69(nice.)

39. Venice or Kyoto

40. Night. The moon puts me at ease when no other light is around

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