ch. 02 ; all about her

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"What? Really? Who's here at this time?" I say, scratching the back of my nape in confusion. "Ah, sorry Jungkook-ssi. There was this girl who came in first about 15 minutes ago," he says, pointing over to the back of the cafe.

I turn my head to a small, hunched figure seated in front of a plate of waffles and a latte. I tilt my head to the side, trying to get a good look of her but failed. Her back was facing me, so I couldn't see her face. Looks like she's looking for something behind her I guess.

I noticed that the girl had a black, fluffy beanie on, covering like half of her head. She had long, straight hazel brown locks of hair. The color kind of resembled a latte, like the one she was currently having. Maybe I should get a latte.. Nah, I need more caffeine.

I shrug to myself as I reassured the barista that everything was fine and that her presence didn't bother me, whilst proceeding to order two drinks.

An iced americano and a caramel frappuccino.

How unique of her, huh?

I sigh, checking my phone after sitting down with the drinks. Crap, I still haven't changed my homescreen, I frown upon the sight of Chaeyoung lit up on my screen. I try to refrain from zoning out at the picture, or else I know I'll beat myself up over it again. Apologies and begs for forgiveness are all I hear in my head. I shake my thoughts out, sighing once again as I straighten my body.

She should be here in a few minutes, what's taking her so long? I internally complain in my head as I try to pass the short period of time, trying not to think about noona and that night. Playing with the puppies and dogs around me, I realized how much I missed this place. I barely had anymore time to myself lately. It's frustrating not being able to have a breather.


A few minutes pass by and I sigh to myself. Maybe it was a bad idea to meet up with her- My thoughts get interrupted when I hear the bell chimes of the door entrance. I look up to see Tzuyu walking in, dressing in beiges and browns.

She takes off her face mask and smiles directly at me when her gaze lands upon me, "Kookie oppa!" Oh no, I clench my jaw hissing under my breath. "Hello, Tzuyu-ah."

Choi Tzuyu is probably one of the girls I'd least expect to befriend in my career. Indeed, our friendship is a bit weird, but she understood me. Me rejecting her was what brought us to our friendship, believe it or not.

She may act like a child sometimes, and occasionally I wonder if she still has feelings for me. But I'm just thankful for how understanding and tolerable she is towards me, as she was actually one of the first female group friends I had for only these few couple years.

"How are you? I know it's sad that y-" I cut her off before she said anything else, "I don't wanna go into details, I'm fine. Let's keep this brief, I need to talk to you about Chae."

"Ah, yes. What did you need?" she asks. I look away from her, pausing at my words. I'm totally lost. I gulp as I say, "I-I don't know what to do. I know that you're close with her, so I had to reach out," I begin, "should I leave her be or try to make it up to h-"

"Jungkook-ah, you can't just make it up. You broke her. But, you're a good friend y'know. I admire why you did it. It's been about two weeks now, I'm sure she'll get over it soon enough before December rolls around," she says, pausing before continuing, "it's not like you two were hitting it off seriously, right? It only happened for less than 4 months right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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