I kind of agreed with him on this. The papers were not in a condition to be  submitted anymore.

I pulled my backpack on my shoulder a bit higher and looked down the hallway which was empty. Half of the class must be over by now.

His fingers clicked in my line of vision, "I'm over hear." He announced with his finger pointing at his face, getting my attention back to his face.

"Look I already said I'm-"

He held his palm up, " now what? Do you find me deaf or something?" He breathed out as his lips stay sealed tight.

Shaking his head, he advanced towards me and I took a step back suddenly nervous under his accusatory stare but as his eyes hardened, my steps halted making me freeze at the spot.

Stopping just a foot away from me he pointed his finger at me," I didn't know you would stoop this low to get me to allow you to help with my assignment." He hissed as his eyes lowered at my form in disgust and traveled back up to meet my now moisture filled eyes.

"I-I didn't-" my voice croaked and for the first time I was grateful for him to cut me off midsentence for I was on the verge of crying.

"But now that you have accomplished ruining my assignment. Guess what, I would have to take your help." He told me smoothly but venome oozed out of his pitch black eyes that seemed too empty to let yourself wonder inside so I looked away.

"I want a complete assignment by Monday. Do you like my favor now?" His arrogant statement filled my eardrums like a bomb slicing my dignity in half.

My blood boiled at his words. What does he think of me? A love sick fool who drooled over him like other girls and tried to grab every chance to get him notice me?

I bit my lip as I felt myself on the verge of throwing tantrum. I'm a better person than him. I won't fuel his ego up more than it already is.

When I didn't meet his gaze, I felt his thumb grabbing my chin as his fingers painfully wrapped under it making me face him. I whimpered under his steel eyes, "Do you?"

Pushing his hand away from my chin I raised it to level my gaze with him, " I don't walk around getting guys to notice me by offering my help. I asked you just because I heard you needed help and in turn I'll get paid. That's it!"

If he couldn't sense the broken pride in my words, he should have surely seen it in my eyes.

But guess what. Who I was talking about.

In these two conversations I had with king, I became to know fully well what kind of person he was.

So full of himself, feeding off of the ego that was the size of planet Mars.

"Money could have been arranged in some other ways too," his eyes sparkled with underlying mischief as he rubbed his stubble, " I can think of couple of ways in which you can satisfy me enough to pay you."

I shook my head not knowing whether I was disgusted at myself more or at him.

"You disgust me." I whispered back knowing fully well we both heard it as clear as day and turned around to get away from him when a large hand grabbed my forearm stopping me and turned me around as my body jerked back and I lost my footing, colliding with the locker at my left.

But he didn't give me the time to straighten up as he ate up the remaining distance between us, "I'm not done with you yet!" He gritted out and his jaw ticked a dangerous beat.

I tried to free my hand away from this psycho only for him to tighten his grip to the point where I could feel my blood stop circulating where he had his iron grip.

Guess what, the fire inside his eyes clearly spoke that nobody had ever told him what he just heard.

Serves him right.

"Have you ever looked at yourself ?" His eyes bore into me as his words paralyzed me.

"I might not have God like appearance as you or as popular as you," I told him knowing fully well I wasn't some barbie or goddess like other girls around here but a normal girl who was accustomed to going unnoticed all the damn time, "but you know what, I'm not cheap either the way you are." I spat these words at him feeling better.

Ice crackled in his expressions which seemed to shift all the frost to his eyes, " you know what cheap is?"  He asked jerking me forward so that his face was just few inches away from me making me extremely uneasy.

I grabbed his hand with my other one trying to snatch my arm free from him and get the hell away from there but he had other plans.

"You see this," he tapped at my scarf  that was wrapped securely around my head stopping somewhat below my collar bone, " this is called cheap." He announced leaving me baffled.

Nobody ever voiced their thoughts as he did since I came here in this high school.

If others didn't accept it, atleast they had the decency to keep their objections to themselves.

"Why do you even cover yourself? Do you try to act like you are someone special? Well let me fill you in a little. This stupor," his finger circled around gesturing at my scarf," is what disgusts me about attention seeking whores."

Before I could decide whether I wanted to dig a hole in ground to bury myself six feet under or vanish in thin air,  I saw Mr.Clark leaving the class from the corner of my eyes and I was suddenly free to move again as king was already strolling down the corridor in what seemed like a casual manner after enticing fire within me by his frosty demeanor.


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