Chapter 12: Request

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Mina's POV

It's already morning and I stretch my body. I fix my bed and I take a bath. I was wearing white long sleeves and peach skinny jeans pair with high heels. I tucked in my polo and I tie my hair into a ponytail. I wear my white coat and walk out of my room.

Momo unnie is night shift while me is morning shift. I was walking to the clinic when I saw Jihyo and Tzuyu..? What is he doing here? I was about to approach them when I received a call from Momo unnie.


"Dr. Myoui can you please move fast? I am hungry" I chuckled and I continue walk to the clinic.

"I'm coming" I said and and hung up. I open the door and saw Chaeyoung eating his food. He looks bored and I feel like he doesn't like the food.

"Thank god you are here. Here is the medical reports from yesterday night. And for today Officer Kang is coming later at 3pm, don't worry I will be here. I just need some sleep" she said and I saw her eyebags poor Momoring. I review the reports and some are just for medicine and consultation.

"And for Officer Son he needs to clean his wound. And you are gonna do it, goodluck Minari!" she said and left me hanging. I thought she already clean his wound?

"Dr. Myoui good morning" Officer Son said and I smile at him. I ignored him and I check the Officer that get injured yesterday from the incident. He fractured his leg and he got some bruises in his face and body. I give him vitamins for the fast recovery and a pain killers for his fracture.

While I was noting down, I noticed that Officer Son is looking at his food. I saw the nurse get his food and he just smile at them. I ignored them and I saw another Officer.

"Good morning Dr. Myoui, I am Officer Jeon Jungkook if you don't know who I am" he said whiler8 showing his name in his uniform.

"What do you need? Are here for check up or anything?"
"I'm not sick or anything. I have something to ask"

"What is it?" I asked and he smile to me sweetly. He is handsome but I prefer Officer Son. Wait, I should stop thinking about him.

"I was wondering if you have a boyfriend? I want to apply if you are hiring" he said that made me uncomfortable. I was about to answered him when Officer Son throw him a pillow.

"Stop the crap Jungkook, stop messing with her" he said with his deep voice that made tremble. He looks mad but why he still look cute?

"Okay okay, I guess my hunch is correct. I'm sorry Dr. Myoui I was just messing up with you. I hope we can be friends" he said and he throw back the pillow at Officer Son. I laugh and get back to my work.

While I was checking the medicine when I noticed that Officer Son is trying to stand up.

"Don't try to stand up or you will get hurt" I said and I walk towards him. He look at me and he sighed.

"So how can I go to the bathroom now?" he asked

"Are you done?" I asked and I try to look back but I can't. We are now at the bathroom I help him to get in the bathroom because he wants to pee.

I want to go out but he said that he can't stand up properly that's why he is leaning against my back.

"Almost done" he said and I was blushing so hard. I heard his moan of relief I want to die of embarassement.

He is back to his bed and he close his eyes. He open his eyes again and look at me.

"Dr. Hirai said to me that my wound needs to be clean" he said and nodded my head. I forgot what Momo unnie said to me. I get my first aid and walk towards him.

"Show your back to me, I will clean it" I said and he tries to move but he can't. I have no choice to tries to clean his wound facing him.

"Can I remove my shirt? It's more easier" he said and I nodded my head. He take off his shirt and I can't deny that he has a great body.

Chaeyoung's POV

I feel like dying right now. She is so close to me and I feel like my heart is going to burst. She is still cleaning my wound and I can see her face closer. She has a many little moles on her face.

She is finished now and she is about to get the bandage when her lips brush to my cheeks. I turn into a tomato when I feel her soft cheeks on my cheeks. This is my worst decisions when I move my head towards her. I wided my eyes when her lips touch mine. She quickly pull away and I froze at my place.

"I-i-i will c-cover i-t up" she stutters and she tries to cover my wound. I can't breath and my heartbeat is very fast. She immediately go back to her work while I was touching my cheeks and my lips. I was smiling like a idiot and I touch my chest.

For 2 years I feel again this kind of feelings again. I smile at look at my tattoo, hey I feel like I am moving on to you.

Mina's POV

I was zooming out when Officer Park show up. She tap my shoulders and I look at her.

"Dr. Myoui can I talk to you" she said and we go out of the clinic.

"Can I have a request?"

"What is it?" I asked and she smile at me. I don't feel right about this.

"Next week I will assign Officer Son for the investigation about the group of illegal hunters" she said and I raise my left eyebrows.

"And what can I do about that?"

"Can you be with Officer Son for the investigation. It is more safe for him that he has a doctor with him" my mouth went open and I try to obsorb what she said to me.


Chaeyoung's POV

"Hey how are you?" I flinched when I heard a voice beside me. I saw Tzuyu beside me, why is he here again?

"I know you are going to say something. What?" I said and he give me a folder. I open it and I saw the ticket again but with a paper on it.

"Just this one she said and she is gonna distance herself" he said and I read her letter. A request from her.

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